someone actually dies, but no funeral :(

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It's kind of ironic, that the first time someone actually dies,

there's no funeral.


• • •

Asslo: Guys, I'm going to jump off a bridge.

Sera: do a flip while you're there

Fine: do two!


Asslo: you know what? There are some cars behind me I'll just walk into them

Fine: no one gives a fuck buddy

Rat: sad but true

Rat actually no, not sad but true

Fine: oh shit he just got yeeted by a van

Sera: damn should've watched it

Fine: he just got thrown off the bridge lmao


Fine: oh now he died

Fine: no wait he's making a comeback

Fine: nope nevermind he's dead some bitch just threw a rock at his face

Fine: that bitch was me

Sera: too bad

Sera: did he do a flip tho

Blick: that's really what you're worried about

Sera: gotta get the right technique when you're skydiving onto some rocks

Blick: John you can bring him back or something right

Fine: unfortunately I can

Fine: even more unfortunate I will because I need someone to punch in the face for fun everyday

Blick: you're all insane

two weeks later

Rat: guys I need help

Blick: what's wrong

Fine: I don't necessarily care enough to help but I am curious about what the fuck is currently wrong with your life

Rat: so Cecile is mad at me because I put up a paper there that had two typos in it

Fine: mhm

Fine: and

Rat: and she's going to burn all of my works because this is the tenth paper I gave her with a typo in it

Fine: good luck

Blick: have fun doing that Isen

Rat: I-

Fine: anyways when I get out of college I wanna be a reverse necromancer for fun

Sera: isn't that just a murderer

Fine: well

Fine: yes but actually no

Sera: are you trying to be dumb or

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