twenty fuckin thousand (we hit 20k reads)

136 6 8

So I don't know what the fuck happened because I feel like I got 10k last month (even though it was back in February)

And now I'm already at 20k

I've been trying to update more frequently (which is going... okay, and you guys really liked the "John has a shit day (as usual)" chapter

I don't really know what to say here because most of what I wanted to say was in the 10k chapter

And I think I've pinged theparkedcar enough times in this story

So to all of you who are reading this story, thank you

Even if you gave up on me and my "update schedule" (that's a thing?), you're still here

I don't want this to be horribly long (that's what she sa-) so I'll just say it one more time even though you've heard it a few (a "few" meaning more than 69) times,

Thank you

There's still nothing down here

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