the 10.1k special (because I fucked with the other one)

183 9 29

If you mildly (extremely) hate me from the last special, I will not blame you

And now, I can officially say something I'd never be proud to say in my entire life- we got 10.1k reads. That sounds so fucking stupi-

I think I saw one unO story with an April Fool's that they were discontinuing their story

That means YLiA is the sickest April Fool's joke ever... if you haven't watched it yet, ignore the words I just spoke

Anyways, I have like five stories I'm writing for (not including the ones I've already published) and only one will come out, and I've already discussed which one it will be with someone else

They could be reading this, who knows

Either way, somehow, September 9th, 2021, we hit 1k reads on this story (somehow), and for some reason, you guys decided "hey let's do that but like ×10"

And here we are

Why the hell did you do it? I don't fcking know

Do I care that you did it? Yes it makes me look better- ahem it's cool seeing a story you expected to get a little attention get really well known



I made the development fast, an overpowered MC, no real antagonist except that one guy who was relevant for three chapters (until the v0S arc), and my writing... o h g o d

Honestly, for what I am as an author, there's probably one thing that makes me different than almost half of Wattpad- I use perio-

I went through so many different emotions writing a story, and this may be the sixth time you've heard it from me, but chances are, most of you were there when I went into a spiral of slowly getting demotivated

Hell, V0LCANIC SEA was literally created specifically because thunderstorm got too boring to write

So, this morning, February 7th of 2022, I can now say I've been noticed by at least four- no, five people.

Anyways, aside from talking about the amount of reads I got for some reason, I'd like to (for probably the tenth time) mention someone who all of you probably already know-


theparkedcar for basically being the entire reason this story exists

If they had never told me "go make a story, it may get two reads (they didn't say that last part)" this would not exist. Thunderstorm would not exist.

I would not exi- no that's too far
and kind of weird
Moving on

But you get the point, and I also want to thank Tekst3 for... absolutely nothing, but go read their story "Searching for Air"

It's pretty good and discontinued and we had a discussion about them misspelling "fingers" as "fingees" and that was fucking hilarious

I also want to thank BOBBOT164 (who I suspect to be gone from Wattpad) for helping me start THUNDERSTORM, and the same parked car for helping with me ideas for v0S

There's one other person I want to thank, CyberLink963 for being the reason this entire part exists because they said the last one was shitty

I agree with their statement honestly

I think that's all

Oh one more person

MidnightOfClouds for helping me with absolutely fucking nothing this piece of fucking shi-

Anyways that's all, I think, and thanks again for 10.1k reads :D


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