theater torture

492 22 36

Writing this at two in the morning and all I have to say is I feel like shit

(Wrote that yesterday and I'm here now at 1:30... Also in the middle of the night, what the fuck have I done with my life)

ANYWAYS, a small announcement is like to say, and I'd like to shoutout specifically these four authors,





Wolf has been there for a lot of my THUNDERSTORM chapters, theparkedcar you should already know, I need to thank BlueSandshrew1 for the naming of the dog in THUNDERSTORM which has been titled "Cloud", and BOBBOT for helping me begin THUNDERSTORM.

More of my ramblings will be at the end, so yeah :)

John: Fine

Seraphina: Sera


Isen: Meaningless

Blyke: pew pew lazer kid

Remi: Remiiiiiiiiii <3

Elaine: Bloobaree bich


Evie: Whereisboyfriend



• • •

Fine: Sera let's tell them about the time we tortured everybody at the theater

Sera: that was fun

Remiiiiiiiiii <3: what did you guys do?

Fine: so basically me and Sera went to the movies and decided we'd freeze time on everyone there but not the actual movie, and when we restarted time everyone was so mad lmao

Sera: I remember it like it was two weeks ago

Fine: it was two weeks ago

Sera: exactly you fucking idiot


Asslo: You all do know there's supposed to be severe thunderstorms and floods in an hour, right?

Fine: you do know we don't care right?

Adrion: wait a second where even are we

Fine: like completely east of New Bostin

Adrion: oh okay

Claire: john.png

Claire: OH CRAP

Fine: Claire,

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