contesting cakes (but without the fire)

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So my stupid brain realized after publishing the last chapter people still read this shit so here's another update

AND I can say merry Christmas without sounding stupid so

Also the idea for this chapter was given to me by theparkedcar so uh, thanks to them

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Fine: We are redoing the cake shit

Fine: surely we have another kitchen somewhere

Sera: yeah we do

Sera: there's one in each of our rooms

Fine: wait really

Sera: have I ever lied to you

Fine: ...

Sera: okay so maybe like once

Fine: ...

Sera: okay whatever but still let's just do it and get the shit over with

Fine: yay

Sera: now we have to find more ingredients BECAUSE SOMEONE BURNED DOWN THE DAMN KITCHEN

Fine: not so yay

Blick: what the fuck are you talking about it's 3:00 A.M. can you please shut the fuck up

Fine: literally all of you are awake

Fine: Claire and Adrion decided to leave on a boat a few hours ago to recreate the titanic

Meaningless: wait wha-

Fine: and Evie left because she wanted to see her family for the summer

Blick: oh

Cecile: shut the fuck upppppppppp

Fine: yes mama


one "that totally didn't happen" later

Fine: I'm making a cake then

Sera: I'll help because they're cowards and don't want to make a cake


Fine: bitch I can see you and your girlfriend are watching youtube

Blick: uh no you can't

Fine: you're sixteen and made a fucking pillow fort

Blick: look it was her idea

Remiiiiiiiiii <3: shut the fuck up or I'll throw this entire thing down

Blick: yes ma'am sorry ma'am

Fine: of course your keyboard doesnt autocorrect maam to mama

Blick: ha the eight has a stupid ass keyboard

Fine: would you like to hear about the red haired kid with the shit ass laser ability who got their face destroyed with a laser? :)

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