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July,4, 2005

"Emi-Chan! Wake up!"

A loud groan was heard underneath the bed-sheets as the figure was hiding themselves from the loud noise. The morning always started off with a loud and when they mean loud, it was loud.

"Hina, I think it was a bad idea to give her a apartment all to herself.." The little boy with black hair and grey eye's said as he looked up to his older sister. Both of them already got use to this routine of waking up their neighbor. 

"Naoto don't be rude!" Hina replied and stopped for a minute for the door to be open. She did it again.

Hina started banging on the door once again as she tried getting girl out of bed. They were going to be late for school. Not the first time Hina and Naoto had to do this but, it's not a big of a deal anymore. 

"Emi-Chan! We're gonna get late for school!" Hina yelled once more while banging the door even more harder. The boy rolled his eye's in annoyance as his pateince was running out.  

"Hina I think it's best for us to get going after all, she is in high school we can't really do much for her," Naoto said as he tugged his sisters bag.

Hina sighed with one option left. She then kneed down to the floor and took off the mat that was in front of the door and to her no surprise, there was a key.

"She always leaves a key here whenever she loses her original one." Hina said as she stood up and started unlocking the door. The boy took a step and looked to the elevator to leave already.

The door opened as Hina pushed the door opened, leaving Naoto outside waiting. The boy tapped the floor with his foot and decided to leave, not wanting to be part of this anymore. 

"Emi~san?! I'm coming!"Hina announced loudly as she slightly closed the door behind her and walked pass by the kitchen that was on the left side when she entered.

To the left across the kitchen, was a mini living room that had two couches and a TV that was hanged while a glass table was in the middle. To her surprise the place was clean and spotless, just the window was closed. 

Hina walked in further and found the staircases that leaded upstairs while passing by the kitchen.

As she passed by the stairs going up. She noticed that there were picture frames of her and Naoto together with a female who had a pixie brown haircut and her hair was moved to the left side.

Hina chuckled as she remembered that day they went to the beach together, it wasn't often that Emely wanted to go out to places. They had went out for a few time but time passed and the 3 of them drifted little by little

She got to the top floor and saw a hallway up ahead of her when she starts walking. To her left was downstairs where she can clearly tell one wrong move while looking down, you will fall. But it was a good thing it had bars for safety.

She got to the hallway and by the second she enter's, she started to feel cold.

She shivered as she approached one door that had sign "Knock first" with a peace sign. Across the room was another door but was off limit's.

Hina didn't have time to knock since they're was late for school. She bust opened the door and to see before her was a naked female.

"Hina, how many times do I have to say to knock?!" The brown hair female yelled while she started throwing her shoes to Hina, who right away close the door trying to avoid getting hit.

"I am so sorry!!" Hina yelled out and closed the door shut. The girl sighed of annoyance and started changing to her uniform.

"Fuck wearing skirts...."She mumbled to herself. She started putting leggings on and then a black skirt uniform.

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