Left eye

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"Oh you did come back!" Emely heard as she opened her apartment door.

"Yeah turns out Haruki wanted me to be home early. What a bunch of shi-" Emely stopped talking and opened her door more widely, to see a small dog with blonde fur sitting in front of her as it looked up to her with it's black eye's.

"I thought maybe a little dog would give you company since you have been living here and with us for 3 years now..." Hinata commented as she looked at Emely with a smile.

Emely knelled down and reached to pat the dogs head and to her surprise it let her. Emely looked up to Hinata and gave her a small smile.

"Thank you.....I always wanted a dog since I was 8." Emely said as she stood up and gave Hinata a hug.

"No problem. After all, your a big sister to me. Even if you are small." Laughed Hinata as Emely backed off and glared at Hinata.

"I am 4'11!" Yelled Emely at her she started opening her door.

"And I am 5'0 so I am still taller than you Emi" Hinata last said and got inside her apartment.

Emely sighed in anger and got inside her apartment as the blonde dog followed her with a bark.

"Now what to do with you?...." Emely said to herself as her attention got caught with dog toys, dog food and a dog mat that was placed where her glass table was at.

"Well then.....You hungry umm....Girl?" She asked as the dog barked in response making her know that it is a girl.

"Huh so you are, alright then." Emely said as she went to her kitchen and pulled out a bowl and went to the glass table to open the dog food and poured some in the bowl.

The dog followed her as Emely went to the kitchen to place it at the right corner of the kitchen close to the front door.

"Now eat up.." Emely said as the dog started eating up. Emely went to her sofa that was meant for 4 people and laid down and grabbed the controller and started watching the news.

She sighed as she gave up and turned the TV off as her eye's started to get droopy. It's 6 in the afternoon which is time she does her homework but then decided to take a early nap because why not.

She felt a little weight on her stomach as she opened her eye's and saw her dog started to sleep on her. "Huh so your like me...." Emely said as she started thinking of a name for it while rubbing it's back.

"I'll name you....Crysty ....."

and with that the two had fallen asleep with a deep slumber.


"NO DON'T DO THAT LOPEZ!" giggled a blonde hair girl as a brown hair female started drinking more shots.

"Aww c'mon Crystal~" Slurred the long brown hair female as her cheeks were burning read from being drunk.

"Em don't drink moreeeee hahaha~" giggled back the blonde girl as she drank one more shot.

The long brown hair female started getting up as she made herself walk out the room and behind followed the blonde girl.

"Emy~ we said that were gonna drink once we graduate" Said the blonde female as she wrapped her right arm around the brown female.

"NAHHHHHHHH shut up....We deserve this night for our possitions" Slurred back the short female as they slowly crossed a street

"I love you forever and always....Emely" Slurred the girl as a bright light was going towards them from her side.

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