Letter and bruises

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The wind blowing her hair strands as she walked to school. Her eye's looked up at the bright blue sky fill with hope.

She wasn't ready for today. She was nervous. She fiddled her school's jacket and looked down to her shiny black dress shoes.

She looked at the white letter she was holding with her cold hands exciting to read it with her.

'I wonder if they're doing it in front of everyone?' She thought to herself. 

"Emely!" She heard behind her and turned around to see a tall blonde hair female run up to her.

"Hey Crystal." She greeted but then realized something. Emely stood at attention and gave Crystal a salute. 

"Ma'am! Sergeant First Class Lopez, reports!" She said loudly and Crystal cutted her off as he smacked Emely's head. 

"Not yet Lopez! I passed my test but I didn't get my patch and ranks too" Crystal responded while turning red. 

"Owwwww....Ok but you worked hard more than anyone in that program to get to 2nd Lieutenant. I ranked up once." Emely said as then showed Crystal the white letter. 

"Another one? From.....What's his name again?" Crystal asked. 

Emely smiled wide as her chubby cheeks turned pink. 



"Emi~chan t-that was a-amazing!!" Haruki started hugging her while Emely was heated up in embarrassment in Haruki's arm. 

"Shut up." She mumbled. Akhiko started laughing to see her in this state which is rare to see often. Haruki let her go and patted her head. 

"No really....You were amazing Emely." Haruki said to her. 

"Thank you. Both of you for this." She said to them. The three grabbed their stuff and headed out. 

They talked for awhile for the next upcoming performance they should and with that the three of them left to different directions. 

Emely walked with her backpack on in one strap and headed to the train. Moments later while still walking, she felt that someone was following making her change her route already. 

She turned to rights to random places and still felt being followed. It was late at night already and she was ready to call Haruki or Akhiko but refused too. 

She took out her phone to text Hina while passing by two people. 

What she didn't realized while passing by them, they both turned around and started following her too. 

She kept on typing and stopped for a moment. 

"Hey. If do you mind not-" She ducked down and avoided the bat that almost hit her and threw herself to the persons leg making them fall to their back. 

She turned quickly as another person launched to her but failed to. 

She was pinned down as she struggled and kneed them on their stomach making them fall to the side. 

The person that was pushed on the floor stood up and took out a pocket knife making Emely take out her's too. 

"Let's fucking go then." She said to the person, they began started throwing slashes to her but failed as she dodged them all. 

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