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Episode 23 and 24 spoilers!

November 17th 2017

"You can't hide forever! Come out Naoto!" He heard the women yell out for him while hiding behind a pillar. The dark parking lot wasn't helping him out so much, after all, it was empty and abandon.

"Shit..." He cursed to himself while tying his cut wound in his forearm.

"You coming out of nowhere to follow me is getting annoying! Is it cause you feel pity of me?! I decided to be like this, kid!" She yelled out more while dragging a pipe with her left hand. Her brown undercut in fritz, her droopy eye's looked around while looking for him, and her skin was pale.

Naoto breathed in quietly while contacting for backup, he was close to her.

"Naoto~" She singly called his name while dragging the pipe on the concrete floor, making a sound of metal dragging.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" She sang out to him. Naoto closed his eye's shut and took out his gun.

'Where the hell are you Takemitchy?' He thought and opened his eye's. He took a deep breath in and let out.

"I'm right here!" He came out of the pillar and aimed his gun at her. Her back faced him and she slowly turned to him with a sinister smile on, making her lip scar stretch.

"You wouldn't shoot at your big sis, right?~"She asked him while swinging her hip side to side.

"I just need answers!" He yelled to her. Her brown eye's looked up and down to him. She wasn't being fooled.

"What would they be then?" She asked him and licked her fingers that were covered in white dust. Naoto swallowed and cleared his throat.

"Where is Vincent?"

Her smiled then turned into a frown, her pupils were shrank like a psycho, and she lifted the pipe up to her shoulder.

"You know? I think you don't deserve to know that, after all, I am his partner." She responded to him and tilted her head to him.

Naoto glared at her while she licked the white dust again.

'Meth...' Naoto thought while trying to negotiate with her.


"Draken can go fuck himself!" She yelled at him. The sirens of police echoed from a far, giving her the cue to leave.

"You don't think what I saw was enough for me to know?" She said to him and turned away. Naoto tried to stop her but it was no use, all he had left was to tell her right now before Takemitchy comes back.

"He never did that!"


November 20th 2005

She fixed her hair and then placed her earring back where it was. She was ready to see him for the last time.

"Emely! You ready?" She heard outside of her room and finished fixing everything.

"Coming!" She grabbed her black jacket and headed downstairs to see Draken patting Crysty's head.

"You are quick to change." Draken smiled to her.

"I'm not extra when changing. Just grab some clothes and put them on, easy." She said and patted Crysty's head before leaving.

"Ah fuck I forgot to leave her food for the day!" Emely rushed to the kitchen but then was grabbed by the hips and then lifted over to Draken's shoulder.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now