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"Haruki or Akihiko can one of you guys help me reach get 3 bowls from the top drawer?" Haruki heard while he played cards with Akihiko at Emely's glass table.

Both of them decided to visit her since they didn't have plenty of time to them to hang out too. Also because Haruki called her and she sounded she was in a bad mood too.

Akihiko's was thinking as he tried to figure out what card to put next. Crysty was barking as it was wagging it's tail asking for it's owner attention.

"I'll get it." Haruki said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen. He opened the top drawer as gave Emely three bowls.

"Thanks." She said as she opened the pot's top and grabbed a small spoon as she tried it.

"Good.." She said to herself as she grabbed another bigger spoon and served 2 spoonfuls of Ozani soup that her and Haruki made together.

She brought 2 bowls to Akhiko where he and Haruki were gonna eat.

"Fuck I lost already!" Akihiko groaned as he threw his cards to the floor. Crysty took one and she ran upstairs.

"Akhiko...If my dog dies....Your gonna pay for it." Akhiko heard behind him as he turned around to see Emely glaring at him.

"S-Sorry I'll go get it!" He stood up and ran upstairs as he chased her dog . Emely sighed as she sat down with her bowl in her hand. Haruki sat next to her as he was eating already.

"Mmmmm so good! Thank god we came in today to check up on you." Haruki said as Emely nodded her head.

"I haven't went to get grocery and I am gonna have a interview tomorrow at a convenience store so I guess I'll have enough money for my food and clothes. And for that little rat's stuff too." She said as Haruki laughed.

"Well let's hope it goes good then!" He said. They both heard a knock at the door while they were eating.

"I'll go get it. I'm guessing it's Hina." Emely said as she stood up and walked to door.

She opened it when her guess was wrong.

"What do you want Draken?" She said as Draken was carrying Mikey on his back.

"Hi Emi~chan!"Mikey said as he got off of Draken and ran up to Emely and he hugged her tightly.

"Your so tiny! I can hug you all day!" Mikey said making Draken irritated.

"Mikey let her go already." Draken said as he noticed Haruki in the sofa.

"Aww sorry Emi~chan!" MIkey laughed as he let go of Emely while catching her breath. Emely coughed loudly making Haruki stand up and go up to her.

"where *Cough* did you com-*cough* come from?!" She asked between her coughs.

"Hospital" Draken replied

"Hey, Hey, you ok Emi~chan?" Haruki asked while rubbing her back.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." She said as she gave him a small smile. Draken felt a little odd and familar feeling while Haruki helped her and she appreciated it.

'Why does she smile to other people and not to us?' Mikey and Draken both thought.

"Hey I got the card back Eme-Who the hell are they?" Akhiko asked while holding card as her dog was attacking his shoes.

Emely started to feel more anxious because there were too many people around her and talking to her at the same time. She started scratching her arm while in process of what to do.

Draken noticed her getting anxious. He then grabbed her arm and lift her up over his shoulder.

"I came to drop off Mikey and to take Emely with me. Bye" He said as he turned his heel with a angry Emely pounding on his back telling him to put her down.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now