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Episode 8-9 spoiler

August 3rd 2005 

"Hina this makes me look weird...." She looked at herself in the mirror. 

Emma and Hina decided to help out Emely with her for the festival with Draken today but they had issues. 

"Awww you look so pretty tho Emi~chan!" Whined Hina and took out a dark purple outfit yukata. 

"No." Emely responded immediately and took off the light blue yukata.

"You know? That actually goes with you Emi-Sama." Emma commented to her while sitting on Emely's bed. Emely thought about it while staring at the dress and gave up. 

"Tell him I don't feel well. End of story." She walked out of her room leaving the other two alone in her room. 

"Your sister is hard to handle huh?" Emma asked Hina. 

Hina looked at the dark blue and dark purple yukata while comparing which one goes with Emely. 

"mmm not really. She hasn't been in a relationship from what I know....Purple or Blue?" Hina showed Emma. 

Emma looked at both of them and nodded her head.

"That one." 


Her hands sweating as she walked behind Hina and Emma. 

'Fuck....I don't wanna leave him....' She thought and walked up the stairs. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" She heard Hina yelling and waving her arm to two figures ahead of them.

Emely stopped and turned around and started walking down the stairs.

"Nope nope nope!' She thought while stepping down and lifting the end of her yukata to go faster.

Her hand was grabbed by a tight grip making her stop. 

"So your just gonna bail on me just like that, shrimp?" She heard behind her. She blinked and took a deep breath. 

She turned around to see Draken holding her. He slightly widen his eye's to see her.

Dark blue yukata with cherry blossoms designed from her chest down the bottom part. 

Her hair was slightly curled and a golden flower clipped her bangs behind revealing her two brown eye's. 

The brown eye's he could stare at all day if he would want too. 

"I-I am no pussy." She mumbled as she looked the other way. 

Draken still looked at her with widen eye's and then blinked back to reality. 

He smiled not even noticing his cheeks were slightly pink. 

"Then prove it to me." He chuckled making Emely turn her head immediately. 

"Oh I'll show you, egghead!" She pulled her hand out of his grip and walked up stairs passing by him. 

Draken followed behind her and stared her small figure. 

She stopped and turned around letting Takemitchy, Hina and Emma pass by her. Emely looked down to the side and bowed to him. 

"T-Thank you for taking me here....." She said lowly. 

She stood up and shakily took out her right hand. She still looked to the side and waited for him to grab her hand. 

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now