Their plan

436 21 2

October 31st 2005  (Episodes 18 to 22 )

"Representatives from both gangs, step forward!" The referee yelled out. 

"Hey Emely..." Kazutora whispered to her. 

"Go up there for me. I don't feel like facing that big nose bastard." He smiled to her and she nodded her head. 

"That's ok right, Hanma?" Emely asked him and he smirked to her. 

"Go. Try to break him down more, sweetie~" He chuckled as Emely walked in front face-to-face to Draken. 

She stared up to him and he stared down at her. 

"A five-on-five with your best guys, or an all out melee with everyone. What do you guys wanna do?" The referee asked them. 

"Valhalla brought this fight to us. You guys decide, Emirri." He looked down to her. 

"Hmmm..." She thought about it. 

"We only have one condition: You and Baji return." Draken said making her blink in disbelief. 

'Break him down.... It'll be all over soon....' She thought. 

"If Toman wins this battle, we'll be taking Baji and you back. That's all." Draken finished. 

Emely stared at him and smiled. 

"You really are fucking dumb, we both came to them on our own, so in short, we don't bring nothing to return." She laughed at him. 

"We'll be taking you and Baji back." Draken took a step forward towards her, not making her flinch.

"That's all." His eye's pleaded to her as he looked down to her. 

'Why......Don't you all hate me now?' She thought and then gritted her teeth.

"Ok then.... Why don't we just fucking go all out..." She formed a fist, she had enough already. 

"So, you guys going to fight her-" The referee was kicked from the face from her and fell on the floor. 

"We came to crush the shit out of each and one of you all.... This isn't a child's play anymore!" She yelled at him. 

"Wanna get shit started already, Mikey?" 


"Mitsuya! You, okay?!" Draken asked Mitsuya after punching a member. 

"Yeah!" He responded back. 

"There's too many of them." Draken looked around for her. 

"Yeah....We're at a disadvantage with Toman having 150 and Valhalla having 300, but they're older than us, so they're bigger and powerful too." Mitsuya looked around too. 

"Even if the captains hold their ground, our other guys are getting owned.... Even with Emely by their side..." He then sees her from a far fighting along with Baji. 

"Baji! We have to go now!" Emely yelled at him while kicking a Toman member down to the floor.

"You go stop the others from coming further! I'll go!" Baji said and then ran off leaving her face-to-face to Mitsuya. 

"Round 2?" She licked her lip that was bleeding. 

"Mimi....Stop this please..." He looked at her.

"Die!" A toman member ran behind her but was kicked by the stomach as she turned around making him thrown across the floor. 

"Stop this! Just come back to us!" Mitsuya yelled again to her, trying to convince her.

"You think I would let a group of kids like you bring down my title?" She titled her head to the side and looked at him.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now