The Night They Finally Met

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"I'm gonna stay with Baji. All of you, get out of here" Kazutora said to everyone.

"I did this. I want to be the one to settle it" He said to Mikey. Everyone started to leave now that the police were on their way, except for Toman.

'He can't be serious....' Emely thought while holding onto Draken's jacket over her body.

"All right." Mikey responded and he turned his heel, walking away from Kazutora.

"Kazutora....You gotta be kidding right?" Emely asked while taking steps towards him.

"Let's get outta here Toman!" Draken yelled out and waited for Emely. If Kazutora would hurt her right now, Draken wouldn't hesitate to beat him up.

"....I....I guess I do deserve to be in Juvie after all." Kazutora chuckled to her. Her small hands reached to his face and softly cupped it. Her hands were trembly in fear.

His sand eye's met her brown eye's, begging for him to go with her. But he refused too.

"You don't deserve this.....Please come with me..." She whispered to him, their long friendship, they just got re-united, she didn't want that to end again.

He then smiled, held her hands with his, and softly kissed her forehead. A small soft kiss on her forehead was enough for her to know he really meant it.

"Go. I'll be fine...Either way someone else deserves you more than me and Baji." He carefully pulled her hands down and moved her bangs to the side.

She hesitated to let go but she knew she had to. She turned back and headed towards Draken, she turned once more and smiled back to him.

"Mikey!" Kazutora called out Mikey while Draken kneed down in-front of her and carried her on his back.

'Someone else....' She thought about it while wrapping her arms on Draken.

"I can't ask you to forgive me. Not about Shinichiro-Kun....or Baji..." Kazutora said to him while Mikey had his back to him.

"But I'll carry that burden for the rest of my life." Kazutora bowed down to him, some people looked back at him with tears and some looked forward with tears as too.

"At least forgive Emely....She got into this because of me." He admit to Mikey.

"Kazutora....." She said to him and then look to Mikey.

"That was the reason why we came here too. To bring her back." Mikey responded.

She looked to Chifuyu who still was holding on to Baji, then he stood up and followed behind Mikey along with everyone else.

Draken moved forward ,following Mikey while carefully carrying Emely. She turned back to Kazutora who still was bowing down and then to Baji. She then started to tear up again and turned back facing forward.



"Mom! It cut out again!" Mitsuya called out to his mom while banging the WiFi box to work.

"Turn it off and on sweetie!" His mom called out from the kitchen. He then pressed the button to turn it off and then on.

He groaned while the other male tried to re-connect on the computer.

"Kazutora, press the green button to start it when the WiFi is on again. It should work by now, sorry for that." Mitsuya scratched his head and then a the box lighten two lights signaling it's on.

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