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Manga Chapter 111-112

January 2nd, 2006

"Quiet everyone!" Draken yelled making everyone to be quiet. She stood next to him as she observed Inui and Koko talking to Takemitchy.

"Lastly, I want to talk about something, that involves with the Christmas conflict." Mikey announced and walked forward. Everyone stayed quiet as he looked among the crowd. She side glanced him, and he nodded to her as a signal.

"Tetta Kisaki!" Emely called out loud to him. The name just wanted to make her throw up already.

"Yes ma'am!" Kisaki responded back and lifted his glasses up with his index finger. A moment of silence Mikey gave while staring down at him while she stood to his side. 

"You're fired." 

Chatter and whispers roamed around from his words.

"What're you saying, Mikey? You're joking, right?" Kisaki asked with a smile. She wanted to destroy it already.

"I'm not joking here. You're fired." Mikey responded back.

"Whoa, Whoa. Hold the phone, Mikey!" Hanma butted in as he walked through the crowd.

"If you fire Kisaki, then I'm out too!" Hanma said to him. Emely scoffed at him while everyone whispered more.

"Which means of the total 450 members of Toman, the 50 former members of Moebius and the 300 members of Valhalla will all leave!" He tried to persuade Mikey.

"And Toman will shrivel to a mere too. You sure about this?" Hanma asked him and smiled.

"I don't care. Toman's gotten too big, anyway." Mikey responded back, still having his serious face on.

"Gotten too big? What the hell Mikey?! Isn't that Tomans goal?!" Kisaki reminded him. He was wrong, Mikey didn't want Toman to grow big, he wanted a new era of delinquents.

"That's where you are wrong, four-eyes." Emely spoke up while placing her arms behind her and staring down at him.

"Report from the vice-captain from 1st Division, you leaded Takemitchy and the rest to a trap, gave Yuzuha as knife, so she can commit a murder. That's what made you get fire today. So, deal with it." She said to him.

"Manipulating people is your specialty, but your methods of helping Toman get bigger, ends now." Mikey finalized it.

Kisaki stared at the two with widen eye's while panting, quickly.

"No! You'd grown weak!!" He yelled and then started to walk up the stairs. "Taiju was a threat to Toman and I acted for your sake!!" He yelled once more and then was stopped by Draken blocking his way up.

"Hey! Who said you could come up here?" Draken asked down to him as he got pissed. In a mid-second, Hanma threw a punch at him out of nowhere but then was blocked.

"Shut up and let Kisaki talk, fucker." Hanma said to him while smiling evily. "Asshole!" Draken gritted his teeth and looked to see Kisaki now upfront of Mikey and Emely.

"Don't listen to these worthless fools, Mikey. As for Emely...." He paused and looked directly at her.

"Listening from a whore makes everything worse."

He then was kicked down directly to floor, making it crack by the force. Mikey stood there without flinching and watched her punish him in her own way. She had a reason and he let her do it in her own way.

She snapped.

Never in her life, someone dares to call her that. Without giving him a chance to try getting up, she immediately kicked him aggressively and violently to his side stomach while staring at him with pupils shrank.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now