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October 23rd 2005 ( Episode 15 spoilers)

He carefully cut her hair while the TV was going on with the news, the smell of food hungered the both of them while waiting. 

"Better not mess it up Baji." Her voice got him out of concentrating. 

"I'm trying to but you speaking and complaining, isn't going to get me somewhere" Baji cut off the last strand of hair and sighed of relief. 

"All done!" Emely heard behind her and touched her hair. Just like she always wanted. 

Baji then stood up from the stool and went outside of the bathroom. Emely stood up and looked herself in the mirror with her haircut. 

"You didn't do bad Baji. Do me a undercut yeah?" She jokingly asked him. 

"You wanted blue or red?" Baji hold two bottles of hair dye, one red and one blue. 

Emely thought and pointed at the red one. 

"That one will do." 


The air chilly while the two of them walked side by side towards a grey building. 

"Juvenile hall?...." She questioned and then it hit her. 

"He was in jail this whole ?!" Her jaw dropped and looked to Baji. 

Baji laughed and ruffled her hair and stood against grey tall wall. 

"Yeah, today he's coming out." Baji smile and waited with Emely.

A few minutes later, the gates opened and someone walked out. Someone that she didn't recognize who it was.

A male with a messy wolf cut, yellow streaks of hair showed and a single drop earring with a ball hanging, walked out and look to the side where Baji and Emely stood. 

"Baji...Is this-" 

"Yo Kazutora!" Baji smiled and waved at the male. 

'Kazutora...' Emely thought and watched while the male walked towards them. He stood infront of them and he was taller than, way taller. 

"Remember how I said I had a surprise for ya?" Baji asked and wrapped his around Emely. 

"Emi-Chan, this is Kazutora-" 

"Kazu?" She asked to the boy. His sand eye's stared back at her for a moment and smiled to her. 

"I guess you even manage to leave like I told you right?" He chuckled. 

Emely launched herself to him and he grabbed onto her waist while laughing. 

"Awww, you're smaller than I expected you were gonna be." Kazutora patted her brown hair and noticed her hair tips was dyed hair and her hair was cut. 

"Let's go get something to eat."


"Baji! How many times did I tell you to clean your room?!" Baji's mom yelled from the kitchen. 

"I know! That's why Kazutora and Emely are here!" He yelled back while the three of them were in his room. 

Emely felt relief that she was able to see Kazoturato once more again. 

'He changed way too much.' She thought while smiling at him. 

Kazutora noticed her smiling at him and smiled back at her. 

"Can't stand I'm still here, Em?" Emely blinked and look to the other side. 

"It's been a long time since you guy's talked right?" Baji asked while adjusting his bed. 

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