Her story

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*Trigger warning*

"Draken-Kun!" She heard Takemitchy yelled out for the 5th time as she kept punching one male that was getting on her way.

"What's wrong Takemitchy!?" Mikey yelled out while beating up a group.

"Draken-kun....He's been stabbed!" Takemitchy yelled out.Emely stopped while grabbing onto a males collar and looked at Takemitchy.

'No.....No....' She thought and threw the male back to the floor.

"Mikey! Behind you!" Emely yelled at him as Hanma tried to punch him but missed. Panic started to get to her as she was figuring out a way to get to him.

"Chifuyu, I'll be back!' She yelled and then ran off towards Takemitchy.

"No wait!" She ignored him but then was grabbed on the shoulders. 

"Grab on to her! She can't be on the loose!" She heard the person grabbing her.

"Fucking shit!" She headbutted them making them fall back to the floor.Another male launched to her but missed as she moved to the side.

She immediately ran up to Takemithcy and rested her head on Draken's chest. She listened carefully and heard a few slow heartbeats, making her relieved but panic at the same time

"He's still breathing!" She told Takemitchy. She noticed that he was in shock as he kept on staring on the red puddle.

She slapped him hard enough to wake him and it did.

"Takemitchy, I don't know what the fuck happen but-"

"Kiyosama! Kiyosama did this!" He answered as his eye's were tearing. Kiyosama was here moments ago and now she knows why he was here. She looked at him for a quick second and then back to Draken.

"Draken! Draken, can you hear me?!" She yelled at Draken. A few moments, Draken started coughing blood on the floor and was began to breath more. 

"Takemitchy! Emirri!" They both heard Mikey yelling at them. Mikey was on the edge of beating Hanma already but couldn't since Hanma was blocking every kick he tried to give.

"Take care of him for me!" He yelled and kept punching Hanma. Emely firmly nodded and turned to Takemitchy. 

"Takemitchy!" She called out to him who kept on thinking.

"Come on! You have to get him out of here!" Emely yelled at him.

Takemitchy blinked and nodded.She then began helped him out by carrying Draken on his back.

"You sure you can do it?!" She looked out for a path for them to go.

"Y-Yes!" He responded confidently. If there was anything that she would always quetioned about the boy, was the glimpse of desperation and confident in his eye's. 

"Follow me!"


"Shit..." She threw her phone to a bush and picked it up after trying to call Hina 7 times but didn't work as she followed Mitsuya to his bike.

"Did she answered?" He asked her as he hopped on and helped Emely up.

"Fucking no! Neither does Takemitchy." She grabbed on his waist and followed behind Mikey as they were all heading to the hospital that Draken is at now.

"Oi Mitsuya!" They heard next to them and it was Baji.

"What?!" He replied back to them while facing forward on the road.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now