A Wish

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He watched her sometimes when he could while everyone enjoyed the party. He wanted to speak to her but nothing. No guts, nothing. No words would come out.

"Come on Draken! Live a little! Have some drinks~" Hakkai slurred out and handed him a cup of beer. Draken rolled his eye's at him and pushed him away.

"I can't drink, unlike you, I have no one to take me home." Draken said to him and Hakkai sat next to him.

"Aww~ Is wittle Draken scared to talk to Emi-Chan?" Hakkai burped on him and giggled. Hewas right, Draken didn't know what to say to her at first. He then looked backed where she was at, but she was gone.

"Hakkai! Get off him!" Shizuyua grabbed the back of his collar and got him off Draken meanwhile he looked where she went. He then averted his eye's to the glass door that was being open by her. She went inside the house.

"Ey Draken where you going?" Mitsuya asked him but Draken just walked pass by him. Mitsuya questioned where he was headed and notice that Emely was inside. He smiled that the two were now going to get a chance to talk.

"Shit, i need something else to drink." She muttered and looked through the refrigator, without realizing Draken followed behind her. She then found a bottle of apple juice and took out, closed the door and turned to the counter.

'Say something!'

She then dropped the bottle and stared at him with widen eye's. She got scared but didn't show any reaction. He stared back at her with his stoic face on , her reaction got his chest tighten.

"I uh....H-Hey?" He stuttered and cursed to himself because he has never stuttered at anyone or anything before.

"Hey...." Emely shyly responded back and picked up the bottle. He scratched the back of his neck and waited for something else to happen. Strands of hair fell over her eye's and moved them behind her ear, making him feel his heart skip a small beat.

It was a quiet awkward moment.

"You grew you're hair, it looks great." He complimented her and he meant it. Emely was taken back from his words and hummed in responded. She missed him an didn't know how the conversation was going to go.


"Draken!!! Come here and have a drink~" Hakkai barged in the room and holded two beers, giving Emely the chance to leave the room to go outside. She slowly walked out of the kitchen and then bumped into another male.

"Ahh Emi-Sama, you heading out already?" She looked up to see Chifuyu smiling down at her.

"I just remembered I have to work early tomorrow, taking over someone's shift." She lied and he nodded.

"I get it. Well, I'll let Mitsuya know and then yeah, be careful too." Emely nodded and then walked past the two males fighting while having their backs on her. She stood for a quick second and left, without saying nothing.

"Hakkai, what the fu-"

"Aww cmon! Leave some bitches and drink with us!!" Hakkai yelled more and dragged Draken outside.

"Watch your mouth-"

"Oh shut up and drink with us damn it!" Pah shouted and gulped down a bottle as Peh cheered on him. Draken looked around where she could but she was gone. Hours has passed and no sign of Emely. Everyone said their goodbyes and he thanked them for throwing the party but he was pissed at himself.

'I should have closed the door.'


Machida City

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now