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(Episode 5 spoiler)


Whole apartment was dead silent except for the noise of music playing loudly in her pair of headphones as the fireworks were blasting outside her home. 

All she could do was watch through her room window and just enjoy it. Ever since that day she met Mitsuya's friends, she kept on ignoring the warmth. 

Because she knew that she never deserved it after everything she lost. Hands cold as she was sitting on her bed while grabbing on her knees while listening to music. 

Her dull brown eye's stared outside as she still looked at the fireworks. Guilt and weak flowed through her body as she wanted to move on but yet she can't escape from it. 

"What a life..." 



"So are you able to come with us today?" Mitsuya asked Emely as he picked her up from school. She hopped on as he gave her a hand. 

"Why do I have to go to your shrine thingy?" Emely asked as Mitsuya started his bike and started heading off. 

"Mikey has been calling you ever since you met him and yet your just don't answer him." Mitsuya asked her, Emely grabbed on his waist tightly while on the way to her apartment. 

"Oh so he's the one who put his own fucking contact in my phone...." Emely remembered as she recall a phone number labeled under the name "Mikey" but never remembered putting it in. 

"What are you guys even gonna do? Fucking fight?" She asked as they stopped by a a stop sign. 

Mitsya looked left and right and then continued driving off.

"No. We're just having a brief meeting about something. Mikey just brings in a meeting out of nowhere." Mitsuya said as he took the left path where they now see from far that her apartment was ahead of them. 

Emely thought about but then she would consider it since she was bored and there isn't nothing else to do. 

"Sure. Just cause Haruki said he had to study for some test." She said as Mituysa smiled. 

"We never spent time with each other that much so this should be ok" Mitsuya said as he parked in the apartment's parking lot. 

Emely hopped off with her backpack as Mitsuya helped her out. 

"I'll pick you up around 8-9. Sounds good?" Mitsuya asked her. Emely nodded her head, she never interefered to many gang activities but this meeting could be a pass.

"See you then"


"Hey Ri!!" Mikey called out as they were waiting for Tackemitchy to arrive. 

"Yo." She responded back as she got off Mitsuya's bike. 

"Hey Emirri." Draken said to her. Emely nodded her head in response. 

Bikers were all parked in a shrines parking lot as they were all ready to start. Laughing and chatter roamed among the crowd as Emely stood beside Mitsuya. 

She looked around as she tried to find Tackemitchy just so she could get this over with. Draken kept side glancing her as he kept on thinking about the last time they saw each other.

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