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July, 8, 2005


"B-But why not?!" Cried Mitsuya as he dropped off Emely. 

He asked if he could drop her off the next day or school but now she regrets it. She got annoyed already on how many times he's going to beg her on joining Toman. 

"Look Mitsy, I am only saving myself off from not joining in any gang whatsoever" 

"Aww cmon! Think about it at least?" Mitsuya pouted as Emely rolled her eye's at him.

"I guess....Give me some time Mitsy." Emely said as Mitsuya nodded and started his bike. 

"Also.....Draken and Baji are starting to like you a awful lot. Be careful yea?" He said as she nodded her head and left. 

Mitsuya left as well as she entered her school. 


"Well you should you know?" Haru said as they both were sitting next to each other in Biology class.

"Why the hell would I want to first off? What's so great about Toman either way?" Emely said as she was half paying attention to her teacher. 

"You are so late emiiii! You ever heard of the Invincible Mikey?" Haru asked as Emely tried to remember. 

Emely was in deep thought as she tried her best to think if she ever did. 

"No. I don't think so. What's so special about him?" Emely asked as Haru gasped almost loud enough to get the teacher's attention. 

"Ok ok... He's like you! Both of your guy's kicks are powerful enough to throw someone across the fucking room! But your like a level below him and the only difference is that your are so fucking dull and empty. While he is cheerful and lighten up!" Haru whispered as Emely glared at her. 

"I'm not always fucking empty your brain, red head." Emely said as she showed Haru her pencil and then broke it in half scaring Haru. 


"Red head"

"Shit hair."

"Fire crotch." 

"Miss Tachibana and Miss Suzuki. Please leave if your going to interrupt my class." The teacher said as Emely stood up and grabbed her backpack. 

"Say less." She said as she opened the door and walked out. 

Everyone in the classroom stared at Haru who looked back at them causing them to go back to doing their work. 

"Fucking nerds."


As she passed by the street on her way home as she decided to ditch school for the day, she heard yelling and shouting at the same place where she saw Tackemichi. 

She sighed as she decided to keep moving until her eye caught Tackemichi fighting. 


"Fucking idiot never learns." She grumbled as she rolled up her sleeve more up and hid her earring. 

She stepped down through the stairs as she made her way through. People noticed her passing by as she stepped down. 

She reached to the bottom as she was now on everyone's attention as they all wondered why was a female interfering Kiyosama's fight. 

Kiyosama noticed her as he had a face full of rage ad hatred to her. 

Tackemichi was still standing up as he was bruised and bleed around his face as he was almost to see Emely.

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