
223 12 0

December 1 2005

9:34 am 

"Emely?" A women called out to her while she folded her clothes. Emely looked at the door and stood up from her couch.

"Good afternoon, Ms.Tachibana." She bowed down to the women. The women shook her head no to Emely. 

"Ahh no need for the manners sweetie!" The women re-assured her. Emely stood up and nodded.

"I wanted to let you know that I got a letter that's meant for you." Hina's mom then showed her a white letter.

"Oh ok. Thank you." Emely received and thanked her. Confused while looking at the envelope, she sat down on her couch. 

After Hina's mom left Emely alone, she then opened it but then a few square frame pics fell out.

"Ah shit..." She cursed herself and then picked them up one by one, but one of them caught her attention.

Her pupils shrank, her hands holding on the picture tightly, causing it to crumble from anger. 

"I told you."

She turned around immediately but then was pinned down to the floor without even giving a chance to look. She looked up to see him.

"Get off!" She yelled angrily at him while her wrist was pinned down to her sides of her head. If there was one person she wouldn't get out of their grip, it was his.

"I told you right? No one will love you the same way I did~" He whispered huskily down to her and then licked up lips with his tongue, showing a silver piercing. She struggled to get out his reach from what he was about to do but failed to from his strong grip.

"It's fake! You set it up!" She yelled at him and then felt a knee rubbing between her thighs. She hitched her breathing and widened her eyes from the friction while trying to get out.

"Oh, is it? Take a closer damn look." He then placed her two wrists together with one hand while he reached one of the pictures with the other.

"Does it really look fake, my dear?"

A picture of Draken giving a forehead kiss to Emma, was enough to make her eyes watery. She trusted him and she still did, but it cracked her inside to know that in her head, it was proof that he was going out with Emma.

"N-No! It's set up!" She spat to him. Her thighs were then open widely by his knee, making him to rub his knee inside.

"Face it, Emely. He used you." He said while rubbing his knee more in. Emely shut her eye's close while closing her mouth. Her head was now full of thoughts and regrets, she was disgusted.

"Cmon now~ Let me hear you~" He whispered to her ear while his free hand went under her shirt. Emely widened her eye's and struggled more to get out, it was hopeless.

'He couldn't.... would he?' She thought while tightly closing her mouth. She shivered from the touch of his cold hands that was reaching to her bra.

"Cmon Emely. Moan for me~" He growled to her and then unhooked her bra from behind. He then took off the bra with one move and immediately pinched her nipple, causing a moan to come out of her mouth.

"There you are~" He chuckled and then started groping her breast. Tears came out of her while she tried to scream but failed to from his touch. He knew she was sensitive; he knew everything of her weak points. He groped them more with his filthy hands.


"You don't mind feeding me, right? ~" He huskily asked and slowly lifted her shirt up to her chin.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now