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July 6 2005

"You sure she said that?" Baji asked while he was parked outside of Emely's apartment's from the address that she sent last night.

"Yeah, Sorry we didn't tell you earlier but she wanted to spend some time with me as we ride over there. Sorry Baji" Said Mitsuya on the other line. Baji sighed as he got on his motorcycle and started it.

"Alright I'll see you over there then." Baji said, he hung up and drove off to the beach while Emely was getting ready but Draken had a plan in the other hand.


"Hina are you sure this is acceptable?" Emely said as she looked at herself as she wore a dark blue skirt with a dark blue bikini that was tied behind her neck.

"Yep! You look so cute with it!" Hina said as she hugged Emely who grumbled back in response.

"This is just a hangout. I'm not trying to empress." She said as she walked out her bathroom and gathered her stuff in her blue backpack and heard her phone ring.

"Hina can you answer it for me?" Emely asked as Hina nodded and picked up her phone that was on the bed.

"Hello?" Hina answered as she noticed Emely's legs and arms had scars that were almost noticeable.

"Yo Emirri?"

"No this is Hina. She's getting ready ummm." Hina said as she looked at the caller's contact name.

"Draken." Hina said as Emely was putting on grey shorts and a dark red hoodie over her bathing suit.

"Oh ok. Let her know that I'll be getting there in a few minutes." Hina heard as she made a confused face.

"I thought Baja was going to pick her up?" She asked as Draken laughed at how she pronounced Baji's name.

"No, he asked me to pick her up since he left early to get a spot at the beach with Mitsuya." He said as Emely's dog started barking.

"OH OK WELL THEN IT'S STILL 7 IN THE MORNING BUT I GUESS THAT WILL BE FINE THANK YOU!" She said as she hung on him because of the loud barking Emely's dog was doing,

"Who was it?" Emely asked as her raspy voice kicked in and then cleared her throat.

"Draken? Yeah, he said he was gonna pick you up because Mitsuya and Baja was going to pick a spot at the beach so they asked Draken to pick you up." Hina responded as Emely tilted her head and coughed.

"I guess that makes since." Emely said as she tried walking outside her room but Hina stopped her.

"You're never in a fully dress without a smile." Hina giggled as Emely still had her expressionless face.

"I don't smile much anymore." She mumbled as Hina furrowed her eyebrow's

"Your smile is beautiful! It gives me joy and happiness! I know about what happen back then....But if you are willing to keep trying pushing forward from your burdens, Show your smile to everyone that you are pushing and trying your best! Your scar may be holding you back from it but keep in mind your able to show everyone that it's not pushing you down from smiling. NOW GO OUT THERE AND HAVE A GOOD TIME AND SMILE!" Hina said as she smiled at Emely.

Emely's droopy eye's widen a bit as she touched her scar on her lip.

"Sometimes smiling is a best way to show people you are ok even if your not, but if it's helping to make the people around you that care for you not worry, then keep smiling." she remembered a memory that she said back then to someone.

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now