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Chapter 192-199 manga spoilers!

"Emi-San is really.... mean looking." He said quietly and looked at her as she looked at her computer, looking at her g-mail for her college application. 

"Don't think bad about her, Emely is mean but is really kind-hearted." Koji said to the boy and ruffled his dark blue hair. 

"She's been through some stuff and it isn't easy to bottle them up." Haruki pointed out while  tuning his bass. Uenoyama watched her from afar and noticed her baggy eye's as she looked at the computer screen, non-stop typing.

"She doesn't open up?" Uenoyama asked them. Haruki and Koji looked at each other and sighed. 

"Listen Ue. Emely, her story isn't not really most what you think it might be. Yes, she was a delinquent, but even those past fights can harm someone's mental health." Koji explained and patted the sit next to him. The boy then sat next to him as they both watched Haruki finishing tuning in. 

Emely then waited for a while, until her computer ringed a tweet sound.

"Back then, in High school, Emely was known in every corner of every gang, she was a brawler." He listened very carefully to him. 

"But that was all different when she met him, and joined a different gang." Haruki said and smiled softly at the memories they all had before. 

Uenoyama then looked to the brown hair female, who was smiling as streams of tears fell on her cheeks while covering her mouth, Haruki noticed and went towards her. He asked something that Ue couldn't hear, but it seemed like she was accepted to her college, and she did.

"You already know she was the first drummer in our band and yeah. But what you don't know, is the truth behind why she is like this right now. You ready?" Koji asked him in a stern voice. Of course he was ready, he was new to the band and at some point, he was desperate to know her story. 

Uenoyama nodded firmly and braced himself, to hear what he waited for.

To know all everything about her. 


"I'll be back when I can guys, it's not that bad!" She waved and said outloud  as Uenoyama placed her bags inside Haruki's van.

"You better come to my graduation!" Hina said from her balcony as the wind blew her pink hair. Takemitchy gave a small wave to Emely while standing next to Hina.  Emely smiled at the two and waved back. 

"Also! She sneezes a lot if there's too many dust!!" Mitsuya handed Haruki a list of things he knows about Emely, he was overdoing it. 

"Mitsuya, I'm not going to die...." Emely gave him a side hug to calm him down, sure Emely was gone since they were kids but in his mind there was many scenarios what she would be in trouble. 

"Emely will be fine with us, besides, her knife skills are great for self defense." Haruki awkwardly smiled to him and received the letter. 

"Anything can happen though....." Haruki heard behind Mitsuya and looked at the tall male. Haruki gulped on his saliva and nodded. 

"T-That's true, Ken-San. But I'll make sure she stays ok." Draken looked down to him with his stoic face on and nodded. He then averted his eye's to her, she had her back on him while braiding her hair into a french braid. 

"What happened to your buff guy friend?" Mitsuya asked Haruki, getting Draken's attention to their conversation. 

"We uh....Kind of lost contact with him after he left. He's been busy with work and, out of nowhere he stopped talking to us. So, it's just a three person band for us right now." Haruki explained and noticed that Draken would glimpse at Emely. 

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