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Music blasting the whole room lighten with purple and red colors, drunk people dancing on the dance floor, people making out, and a certain brown hair girl hated it. 

The smell of weed coming out of his mouth while sitting next to her, made her get the feeling of throwing up already. His hands roamed through the the fabric of her short red dress, she was disgusted. 

"What's wrong? You rather wanna go to my bed and have our own "fun"?" His raspy voiced gave her a shiver down her spine. The smell of the weed got now to her taste. 

"I'm hungry....You said me and Haru were to not attend this party, Vincent..." She responded back while watching a red hair female, in a bunny bodysuit, serve a plate of alcohol to a table. 

"Ahh, so that's what's been bothering you? Well, I said maybe." He responded and slowly massaged her thighs. Her face showed no expression, she had enough. 

"Another thing, you have a fight next week on the 18th, you better not disappoint me."  His voiced change into serious. He pulled her face to face him. His golden eye's showed lust and addiction back to her's. 

"Remember this, you're my pet. You are mine."


"You aren't going to say or laugh about it?" Her voice got him out of his thoughts. Draken blinked 2 times and smiled at her. 

"So, little shrimp here likes me, huh?" He teased her and ruffled her brown hair. 

Emely looked to the side and smiled. She was relief now, all that heavy feeling she felt, the pressured she felt, she was better now. 

"So make it official that you wanna be my girlfriend?" 


Her heart stopped for a moment and went back to normal. She looked back to him, pink tint shaded his cheeks while smiling at her. 

Emely couldn't responded back, after everything, did she really deserve this after all that hell?

Draken kept looking at her, he wanted to her to be his, no matter how much she's been through, he wants to guide her to a better future for her. With him by her side. 

Her brown eye's sparkled right back at his and she smiled to him. 

"Thing is...Are you really wanting to like a emotionless brat?" She chuckled to him. Draken groaned and shook his head no. 

"I said I didn't mean it ok?" He responded back. Emely laughed at him while covering her mouth. Draken frowned at her and placed his hands on hers making Emely stop and looked at him. 

"Don't hide your smile..." He whispered down to her while slowly putting them down. Her mouth slightly in a smile, her scar, everything about her was all that he liked of her. 

"But why me? Aren't you disgusted that I was part of Venice gang?" She looked down while her hands and his are holding to each other. 

"So? The past doesn't define you, who you are today is the person you are growing up to be or to do. I want to get to know all of your sides. The emotionless brat side of yours, I already like that one." He responded back and received a slight punch from her. 

"Screw you...." She muttered to him. Draken chuckle at her and smoothly guided her to his bed. He laid on the mattress first and patted the open spot for her. 

Emely softly smiled and laid next to him. They both stared at the empty ceiling, enjoying each other's company, and both of them thinking, are they willing to be together?

Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now