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"Yeah I guess that's fine." He answered him while writing down notes on his notebook.

"Thank you very much. I won't take long, Draken." Inupi said and walked out of the store. Draken has been on the lookout on who Inupi was talking to, getting the feeling that he was hiding something from him.

The store was quiet except of the scribbling sound of the pencil. He stopped for a moment and looked around with bored eye's but was proud of it. It took him 2 years to be able to own his own shop and it was all worth it.

"I guess I should have follow him..." He paused and thought about it.



"Where are you going?" She stopped at the middle of the hallway and turned to him.

"I'm going out...." She responded to him. Mitsuya suspiciously looked at her and wasn't satisfied with her answer. A black hoodie was covering her undershirt, it was a workout undershirt.

"Do you want me to take you over there?" He asked her. Emely shook her head no.

"I'll take care of it myself. It's going to be hard but, I hope it will work out." She was positive of her answer but was getting second thoughts about it.

"Who's going to take you?" he asked her.

"A friend of mine." She replied in annoyance.

"You sure it's not a boyfriend?" Mitsuya grinned at her. Emely looked backed at him with bored eye's.

"No it's not." She then grabbed a small gift bag and paused to turn to him. Mitsuya looked at her back with confusion.

"Is there any chance that there's a close by gym?" She asked him. Mitsuya then burst of laughter, making Emely regretting asking him. 

"So it is true that you army people work out!!" He hunched over while grabbing his stomach tightly and continued laughing. 

"So is there or not?" She calmly asked him. 

"Y-Yes there is. I-Hahaha!"


The bar cell doors clank loudly causing him to get mad as he sat up from his bed. 

"Get up. You have a visitor." The tall guard said firmly while he looked at him with anger. 

"I said that I am not-"

"She's the one you've been waiting, brown hair, brown eye's, and the scar lip. It's her." The guard told him. His eye's widen and stood up with in a second, almost scaring the guard off to the floor. 

He then stretched his two arms in-front of him and waited for the guard. The guard looked at him with confusion. 

"Well? Are you not going to handcuff me? We don't want the her to wait."


"Only one visitor can visit this specific inmate." The guard stopped her without looking at her. Emely gritted her teeth and calmed down.

"Sir, I am sure you would want to go ahead and ask him personally that I am THE one to see him." She confidently said up to him.

"Ma'am, like I said for the 5th time already, we do not know if you're the visitor that he wants to see." The guard patiently explained her. Inupi stood behind her while grabbing her shoulder to avoid her from jumping over the counter to attack. 

"She can follow me." Another male guard caught their attention. Inupi then felt Emely relax her shoulder and freed her. 

"You can follow me, although, your friend would have to stay behind and wait here." The guard explained to her. 

"I'll be fine, Emi-Sama." Inupi said to her. Emely looked at him and he nodded his head to guard, signaling her to go ahead. She took a deep breath in and followed the guard who already was leading her to a hallway.

A few moments later

Fingers fiddling with the strap and bow of the gift while she waited. Many people and inmates were having conversations, laughter, and some were crying. 

He saw her from a far and continued to walk towards her way, keeping the urge to yell at her. Her presence made him change his mind on his topic on what to do, he missed her but that feeling was mixed with hatred.

"So standing there will make this easy?" She talked first, feeling his presence behind her, not daring herself to turn around to face him, He stood there, watching her, thinking how much longer with his hatred will last. 

"What made you think, to come see me, will make this more easier?" He formed a fist and clenched his teeth. She looked at the grey table, noticing that it wasn't cleaned and could still see the reflection of him, but not able to see his face. 

"If you can sit down, then we can resolve it." She asked him. She then heard his heavy steps go to her side and then infront of the table. The chair then was pulled for him to sit down. A light thump signaled her that he was sitting down infront of her. 

"Fucking look at me." He said to her. She slightly flinched from his voice, and lifted her eye's to him. His very light sand eye's stared and scanned her brown eye's, noticing that they showed regret. 

She noticed that his light sand eye's were full of hatred and loneliness, his hair was longer than it was before, and his black hair was mixed with little bits of strands of blonde. He was beautiful to her. 

Her brown hair caught his attention and loved it that way and her skin was healthy than before, but the scar were still there, but it never bothered him, for that, he will always love her no matter how much she has changed.

"You changed...." He spoke. Emely breathed in relief and relaxed her shoulders from his calmness. 

"That doesn't mean I am forgiving you. Where the hell have you been?" He asked her, keeping his eye on her. 

"I thought-"

"No one came here. This whole time, I was only waiting for you and only you. Now tell me, where the fuck have you been?" He asked one more time. Emely collected her thoughts and went for it. 

"I was gone for situation at home, graduated, went to the Army and now I'm back. Does that answer your question?" She kept it short, but he wasn't satisfied. 

"That isn't a proper answer, Emely..... Where were you...." He muttered and looked down away from her. 

"I said I was gone for university and being in the Army, Kazutora. What part do you not understand?" Emely watched him and waited. His shoulders were slowly shaking, alarming her he was about to break down. 

"That's not a excuse! Where were you!?" He yelled at her and stood up. Emely pulled herself back and stared at him with widen eye's. The visiting room was now quiet with everyone having their attention to them.  

"Where were you!?" He yelled again and banged the table again. From the corner of there eye's, the guard that escorted her, was on the move to get him out but she stopped him with showing a stop sign.

"Kazutora, calm down, please." She asked him nicely and keeping her eye's on him. His eye's were watery while gripping on the handcuffs.

"No! Where were you!? Why won't you fucking tell me!" He yelled again at her. Emely stood up from her chair and caught his attention again. She swiftly grabbed both of his hand and pulled them towards her face.  He looked at her with confusion.

"What are-" She softly placed a small kiss on his knuckles and looked back at him. Eye's pleading for him to listen to her. He stopped his anger and stared at her with widen eye's. Emely couldn't stand seeing him being mad, she wanted the problem to be solved. 

"Please calm down..... I can't if you are like this. Please....and I promise you, that I am saying the truth and only the truth."


Suffer or Hustle (Draken x OC)Where stories live. Discover now