Let go

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Usually, I never found many ways to get myself to talk to girls, but Emely was someone not easy to get along with back then.

Around May, it was just a casual day. Walking back from school, I bumped into a hooded person who was carrying a backpack and was humming without a care. 

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized to them, but they kept on walking. Whether it was my fault or theirs's, I shrugged it off. 

The next day, we bumped to each other again.

"S-Sorry."  I apologized again but it was the same thing again, they walked away without saying anything and this time they weren't humming.

Sometimes I questioned myself if I wanted to talk to them or at least get to know them but, I decided not to.  


"Look here.... I-"

"Stop apologizing." They finally spoke to me and turned to face me. They took off their hoodie, and I widen my eyes. 

A girl with brown hair tied up to a ponytail, brown eye's that seemed little dull and a scar on her lip. I didn't realize she was a girl until now. 

"It's my fault I keep on bumping into you, I am half asleep. Sorry." She apologized to me and bowed down. I shook my head no and scratched my head. 

"N-No need to bow down! I'm not in high school!" I said to her, and she stood up straight. 

"Still." She spoke again and then walked pass by me. I stood there in the middle of the sidewalk and then came back to reality. 

"That humming...I know I've heard it somewhere."


"Is she cute?" 

"Mmmm I guess you could say she is but, she seems to be rude." I responded back while tuning my bass. Akhiko was one of the friends that are 2 years younger than me, we even decided we should make a mini band, just not official.

"Should have asked for her number then." Akiko said while taking out his violin. In all honesty, he has an amazing talent for playing the violin, he might even end up being successful for it in college. 

"So now you just want to ask for numbers now?" I asked sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him. 

"Might never know if she's interesting." He responded back. 

"Can we just not ask for girls' numbers and try to find someone to make the third person in our group?" We tried to make our own band but 2 people isn't going to cut it out for it. So, we ended up trying to find a third person but nothing yet. 

"Why won't you ask the girl?" Akhiko suggested. 

"I don't know. Let's put her to aside and find someone."


"I won't cry...."

Her voice wasn't too bad or good it was if she was doing it to calm down, later on I kept on hearing her go on for a few more minutes, until I got the courage to speak.

"Um Excuse me?" I called out to her. She jumped from my call and immediately ran away from me. Without thinking, I ran after her. No reason at all, I just wanted to ask her something. 

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