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"Do they know I'm a girl?"

"Of course they do, we'll be leaving these here for you to review. If you need help and advice you know you have your family here for you." I took the portfolio away from the coffee table and flipped it open to a random page. I made eye contact to an image of a familiar face. I've seen this person before I just don't remember when and where.


It was a weekend and honey and his brother decided to invite me and two of my brothers to a shopping day. Honey wanted to try some commoners sweets and dragged his brother with him for some brotherly bonding. Just to not make it awkward his brother invited satoshi and satoshi invited both me and mori.

"Hey (n/n)-chan! That dress seems so nice on you!" Honey tugs my sleeve and points to the display in a shop. "It's even your favorite pattern big sis!" Satoshi says. "You should buy it." Takashi said which actually convinced me to enter the shop. I sighed and walked in the shop immediately. I have some girly clothes okay? I'm just still insecure to wear them outside... "I'd like to buy this please."

I soon bought it and was about to leave the shop until honey stopped me. "Wait-wait! We need to make sure if you really like it ya know? Try it on first!"

"What? I can try it on at home."

"What if you don't like it when you're already at home? Try it here first!"

"We all know that you only agree on doing things when takashi suggested you to do it, (y/n)." Yasuchika says as he adjusted his glasses. "That's not true." I said annoyingly staring at my cousin. "Now that I noticed. You only say yes when he says yes." Satoshi says placing his index finger under his chin. "Why do you think I told her to buy it?" Takashi says while looking at his younger brother. "What!? You did that on purpose?" I asked surprisingly. He just nods. I growled under my voice while looking at the corner. "Okay... Fine... If you don't wanna try it then we can continue shopping..." Satoshi says turning around. "I'll try it on in the shop."

"Really!?" Honey stares at me in surprise. "Yes, but you guys can leave the shop. I can catch up later..." Honey frowns as he slowly turns around, trying not to cry. "Fine..." He pouts.

I looked at myself in the mirror after they left. There were no mirrors in the dressing stalls so I had to check myself outside the stalls. "You look stunning in that ma'am!" An employee says as she stares at me from the mirror. "Thank you..." I bowed my head as I say that quietly. But those words actually boosted my ego. I put my clothes from before in the shopping bag they gave me and left the shop wearing the dress. I put my hair down this time. "Ooh! Look boss! You should ask her out!" A male voice who was pointing at me called. I looked at the man saying the words earlier. "You idiot! Why would you call her out that loudly! That was rude!" A red head hit the mans head and glared at him which made him lower his entire body to bow down to me. "My apologies miss! That was very rude of me!" He yelled while bowing. I looked up to who was probably their boss to see him glaring at me. "Do you have a problem?" I asked. "What!? No! I'm sorry!" He yells. I sigh and turn to leave the two alone.


"Now I remember now..."

"Dammit honey, why did you put his info in there?" My father whispered to my mother. "What's wrong with him?" I asked as I got curious and started reading his information. "N-nothing is wrong with him, honey. I just don't think he'd be a good match for you."

"You're hesitating. You really don't like him do you?" I asked while skimming through his info. "Yes, I don't."

"Oh? Is it because he's part of the yakuza?" I asked after reading some parts of his family origin. "What's wrong with me marrying someone from the yakuza? Our family was originally a yakuza." I explained. "It's not that it's just... I've met his father and I saw the son. He seems a bit too... Intense..."

"I don't see what's wrong with intense."

"What if he's an abusive lover?"

"I'll see that for myself." I stood up, still holding the portfolio in hand leaving the two. "You're gonna meet him?"

"He's in the same school as me, so I don't see what's wrong with being acquainted with a schoolmate."

Surprisingly, he showed up in the club. He started sprinting to my brother which alerted me. I shielded takashi away from him using myself, positioning myself for combat. He then lowered himself down and bowed his whole body down in front of the whole club. "Please let me be your apprentice!"

That's when kasanoda ritsu was being helped by the host club how to be more social and nice looking for people to start talking to him. Seeing him act like this just shows that he isn't that bad of a guy and the rumors about him wasn't true.

I went back home after school and explained to my parents that the guy isn't that bad. He's just misunderstood. They tried their very best to believe, but it was obvious that they weren't convinced. I couldn't blame them, they've never met him...

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