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"Some rich heir. They're not in our school. Don't worry, it didn't work out so we cancelled the suitor thing."

"Suitor thing? You have suitors?"

"And you think you don't?" He tilts his head like a confused puppy which unexpectedly made me choke my own ice cream. "You're telling me, you don't know that you have suitors?"

"You're making me worried."

"Relax, having suitors aren't as bad as being forced in a marriage. And even if I knew you had suitors, I don't have the right to tell you."

"You know I have suitors?!"

"I don't have the right to tell you, Ritsu." I remind him. "You know what? I'll talk about this with my father later. Just... I totally forgot I was here for Fujioka." My heart sanked which I try to ignore after remembering something about Haruhi. "Right, it's her birthday in a few days, right?"

"Yup! Do you have a gift for her?"

"Yeah, I'm actually gonna pick it up today in this mall. Would you like to accompany me?" I asked awkwardly. Not realizing I was making hopeful look to him. He flinches and looks away while covering his mouth. "I-It wouldn't hurt to join you." Ritsu looks back to me suddenly. He swallows the lump on his throat and points at me. "You... Have a smudge on your cheek."

"Oh, then you don't mind me going to the bathroom? I must've smudge the make up..."

"You know make up?"

"Not entirely. My mom and my maid are teaching me for these dates though..."

"Oh well... You won't mind if I fix your make up for you?" I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. This signals for him to explain further. "I'm really fascinated by art. My fathers men would stand still while I practice learning how to draw their tattoos. Thats where my mom taught me how to do make up. As a way to learn how to draw tattoo art. It went really far where I asked if I could give her some make up and she started teaching me how to do face make up." He explains awkwardly. "Wow really? That's really fascinating. Is that how you gained the interest in flowers." I take out the small make up kit my mother gave me before I left. He started rummaging through it as he started cleaning me up and giving me some small touch ups as we continued to talk. "Yes! Some of our people have flower, tattoos and I started liking them more! I gained the hobby of gardening when the gardener of our house started giving me gardening lessons." Ritsu backs away, not breaking the eye contact we've been having before he started fixing my face. I sent him a gentle smile because of the cute genuine smile he gave me. My eyes widen as I stood up, reminding him about Haruhi's gift.


"Oh geez... What do I get for haruhi?" Ritsu mumbles to himself. "Haruhi's the kind who would want something that's also useful. We can go to the department store."

"Oh you're right! That's gonna be a lot of walking though."

"I don't mind it-" Someone who was standing from the sides as we walked, suddenly backed themself very quickly. They looked behind themself to reveal it was Kyoya. His eyes widen to see me possibly because it was his first time seeing me wear a dress. He picked up his glasses to make sure he was seeing this correctly. "Oh... Morinozuka-san, this is unexpected." He dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. "Kyoya-senpai. Are you here to get Haruhi's gift?" I smiled unexpectedly. "Actually I already have a gift. I'm here with Tamaki. He thought it would be good to buy a gift in a commoner place."

"Me and Ritsu-san are also here for Haruhi too." I back away and pat ritsu on his back. He flinches and immediately bows. "H-hello, Otori-senpai!" He never actually spoken to the vice president before even though he's been in the club many times. So of course he'd be extremely awkward in this very improper greeting. "Kasanoda? Hello to you too. You two wouldn't mind if I joined your date until I can find Tamaki right?"

"Date?! I mean..." Kasanoda blushed madly and started jittering. With a tint of red on my cheeks. I sighed and calmly explained, but Kyoya cut me off. "I'm just teasing Kasanoda. I still need an answer, however." He laughs it off, but his laugh seemed irritated.

"We don't mind you joining us. I'm sure Tamaki is probably in the department store we're going to too."


"Maybe something that could help her relax?"

"Her dad would very much love that."

"You two met Fujioka's dad?"

"Yes and speaking of... Haruhi would think the gift is useful if his dad loves the gift."

"That's very much. Let's find something flamboyant so that it can stand out from all the gifts." Kyoya says and I nodded. "Wait! This is my gift I'll be buying. Please let me make these decisions."

"You don't think the flamboyant idea was good?"

"No, I think it's a better one than what I was thinking. I was just going to go buy her a portable rice cooker, but I don't think she'd like that."

"We can stick to the rick cooker idea." I say and Kyoya agrees. "I'm sure Haruhi would enjoy that."

"R-really? Well I guess this rice cooker I was hiding with me was worth the reveal." He takes out a box that had the cutest design for a rice cooker. "Oh, I should get one of those for my room. They look so cute." I expressed showing my interest in such. "I wouldn't mind purchasing it for you now as an early birthday gift. After all your birthday is almost here too." Kyoya says pulling his wallet out. "Oh that's not necessary. It's just a maybe anyways. Please do let me think it through."

"Wait, it's almost your birthday too Morinozuka-san? Well I should buy a gift for you too then as a thank you."

"We're here for Haruhi though-"

"Ah, there you are mommy-dear." We turn to see Tamaki coming to hug Kyoya from behind. "Anyways! It's great you're here, 'cuz I was gonna buy this massager! Look! It's useful and I'm sure Haruhi's dad will love it-" Tamaki averts his eyes to me and Ritsu for a second and immediately looks back at us in shock. "M... M... Morinozuka-san?"

"Yes, Suoh-senpai?" Tamaki screams in terror, not knowing what to do. "Yes, Tamaki. We have another girl in our club." Kyoya sighs before saying this. "And you know this?!"

"I don't really keep that a secret, senpai..."

"And you think I'd believe that?!"

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