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After clubs, I was startled to see Ritsu waiting by when I left the club room. "I got your text. You wanna walk home together?" This was possibly the first for me, but I wanted to do this. It was really awkward in the club. I only had 1 customer today. Kyoya noticed my mood and comforted me about it which made me feel better. But in the brighter side. I'll have more time in my main club since the host club is my secondary club.

We both stopped by a shop for ice cream and walked while eating it. It started to rain so we ran for it and stood under a roof for a closed down shop. "This didn't seem to go the way I wanted it to be." I mumbled feeling more in a bad mood. "Mh? What do you mean (Y/n)-san?"

"Ritsu... I've wanting to tell you this for a while now. But I've been stopping myself after the encounter with your mom all those months back..." I look over to him and he flinches noticing he'd been staring at me the whole time I was talking. "I-I have feelings for you..." I say to him trying not to break eye contact. He stares back and for some reason I couldn't read him. Even if he looked shocked. "I... (Y/n)-san..." I awaited for his answer. I was expecting him to reject me. "I can't..." And I was right. "I'm still trying to recover from Fujioka's rejection. I'm sorry..." I looked away, laying my back in the wall as I looked over the road. "(Y/n)-san?"

"It's alright. I understand." I started to feel a little teary eyed so I wiped off a tear the rolled down my cheek. Ritsu stayed quiet, not knowing how to reply. "We're still friends right?" I asked, ignoring the shaking voice I had. "Of course...!" Ritsu says with a shocked tone. I can tell he was uncomfortable. "It's ok if you give me some time to myself right?"

"Please... Take all the time you need." I bowed to him before running out to the rain. Ritsu wanted to follow, but wanted to respect my request.

I sighed as I walked on the side walk. I was a little damped due to me running in the rain, but right now the rain had gotten softer. A limo slows down to my side as the window slides down. "Yoohoo! (Y/n)-san! I saw you and Kasanoda leave earlier. Did you finally tell him your feelings?" Renge says jokingly. I turn around and her smile falls saying my sniffling with my red face. She immediately gets off the car and hesitantly hugs me. I slowly hug her back as I quietly continue to tear up.

I told renge what happened as she comforted me. She offered to stay in my house to help me cheer up, but I declined wanting to be alone for a while.


I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Cleaning the dust off my kimono. It was honey and my big brothers graduation. I was dressed for this occasion since it's a tradition. "You're quite well dressed."

"Kyoya-senpai? Of course."

"Well I can't miss our senpai's special day." He says as he fixes his tie beside me as he stares at himself through the mirror. I stare at him and he notices and stares back. I awkwardly look away as he doesn't respond in a moment. "What's wrong? Is it because your brother and cousin will be studying abroad?"

"Y-yes..." I answered hesitantly. He analyzes me and shakes his head. "No... There's something else isn't there?" I stayed quiet which proves his point. "Feel free to share if you're comfortable with that." I stayed quiet for a moment. "It's..." I sighed and sat on the floor out of embarrassment. As I felt myself tear up. I moved my back to face the full body mirror, still covering my face. I felt kyoya gently pat my back which made me calm down a little. I curled myself into a ball when I hugged my legs, head still facing on my knees. "I... I told Kasanoda, I liked him..." I say with my shaking voice. Kyoya froze, but continued to comfort me after a few moments. "And he said no..." I'm genuinely glad that he stayed quiet and just listened. I looked up at him forgetting the snot on my nose and the smudge make up on both me and my kimono. "I feel stupid. Like, we didn't talk or hang out that much. And he just recently moved on from haruhi. Why did I had to break my friendship with him??" I've never been this talkative with anyone besides my family, but I felt like I could tell this to kyoya-senpai. He pulls out a handkerchief as he wipes off my tears, then handing the cloth to me for me to blow on. "Thank you for trusting me with this, Morinozuka-san. Look, you shouldn't really follow my advice since I've never actually dated anyone, but I have felt heartbreak before. What I can give you right now is to tell you to just move on. And you have my support." I sigh as I hold onto the cloth while looking at it. "Oh! There you are kyoya-" Renge's voice cuts off seeing me look up too. "D-does kyoya know too?" I nod. "I see. Well about that. Kasanoda is also in the school too. Will you be fine (Y/n)-san?" I stood up and nodded. Kyoya stands up with me as we left to celebrate the graduation.


"Moving in together so quickly?"

"That's a step too far for the two of you."

The twins says after the couple, haruhi and tamaki announced about moving to America for their sdcond year of high school. The club, except Haruhi and Tamaki discussed about us moving into america as a surprise. I joined in, but I'd only be staying there for a short while.

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