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He remises on thought of my confession in his mind. Remembering the sad look that he had caused, and the tears he saw on me that he caused. He felt so guilty that he tries to erase the memory that always chased him after months of trying to forget it. He felt a weight on the side of his shoulder only to notice I had landed onto his shoulder. He looks over and smiled. Seeing the peaceful look on my face. It reminded him of the joyful experiences he had together with me that caused me to have a happy smile. The thought of it made his stomach feel weird. Especially the times when I'd come close to him like from earlier that made him feel nervous. He was confused though. Remembering Kyoya's words. Did he join the club to apologize to Morinozuka-san? Or was it something else? He was so confused. When he saw Haruhi earlier today just enjoying her day with Tamaki. He felt so happy for the two. He didn't felt hurt at all, but it oddly felt like a different turn when it was with (Y/n) and Kyoya. He even thought Mori and Honey was in the same place as her. She never joined them and she usually just hanged out with Kyoya and Renge. He knew the answer that he felt, but he couldn't. He had already hurt (Y/n) before and trying to act like this to (Y/n) at the wrong moment was just going to break her. But Ritsu just can't ignore his feelings...



"Wake up."

"Huh?" Ritsu slowly opens his eyes and immediately closed them back after the sun almost blinded him. "We fell asleep on the balcony. "Don't worry it's just 6am. We can still sleep more in our rooms." Ritsu just nods as he lends his hand out. Assuming that I'd help him out. I sighed and pulled him up. He was still wobbly so I paid it no mind and held on his wrist. He shakes my hand off and instead made me hand hold onto his hand entirely. My eyes widen from his sudden action and tried to forget about it. He's just tired. I thought as we walked on the long hallways. I led him to his room as he entered and immediately closed it. As I did the same to my room.


"A... Date?"

"Yes. If you wouldn't mind of course."

"But why so sudden?" Kyoya's face looked insulted. "Sudden? (Y/n). We've been giving each other playful banter for more than a year now. I thought you'd expect me to ask you out." My surprised face relaxed. Noticing that he does have a point. "I mean. I wouldn't mind. To be honest. I'm quite surprised you asked me so late."

"Well I didn't want to ask last year. You were interested with someone else last year." He says and I just realized that.

That's why I'm here right now. I'm glad that Kyoya didn't drag this date on the other side of the country since I told him not to. He lends his hand out for me to hold on. I smiled and held his as we started to walk on the park. As his guards waited by the bench. I was actually expecting more from Kyoya, but I'm still comfortable with this. "Was this a surprise for you?"

"Actually. Yes." Kyoya chuckles as he rubs his thumb on my hand. "Well... I'm trying to surprise you. Which is why I underestimated myself." I hum in response since I didn't wanted to break the peace of this park. I pulled him by a grass field for us to sit on. He looks over by the distance and blows a whistle which made the guards rush and place a blanket and a picnic basket on it. With the perfect shade from the tree for us to sit on. "A picnic?"

"You're still surprised?"

"I thought we'd eat in a restaurant after our walk in the park."

"Would you like to?"

"That's not necessary. I actually like this."

We started to eat as we continued to chat. Kyoya shows me omurice that he cooked and another plate of omurice. Asking which one was cooked by his sister. He's mentioned his sister once before, but I've never met her. I pointed that her sisters was the pretty one and he said that was actually from the chef. I laugh and took a bite from his sisters sad attempt of omurice and it was actually pretty decent. We dragged out the conversation about each other's family and then continued the conversation with Kyoya's guards. As we watched his three men eat ice cream together while awing at a butterfly. We goofed off for a few moments until Kyoya had gotten slightly tired. And decided to take my lap as his napping territory. I was surprised by this, but instead I just pat his head since he had done this before. I watched his resting face and decided to bend down to give him a soft kiss on his forehead. He opens his eyes immediately from shock as stares at me. I stare back with a blush dusting my face. My stare caused him to turn deep red as he hid his face on my stomach. This caused me to laugh. I never knew that giving him affection could cause him to act like this. He stayed quiet until he fell back to sleep. An hour passes and he woke up realizing he drooled on my outfit. This made him extremely guilty so he dragged me to buy me a new set of clothing as an apology gift that I can't decline apparently.

"What about this?"

"I told you, I don't need you to buy me anything."

"No need to be shy, (Y/n)."

"Well then I actually have been wanting to buy this top for a while.."

"Woah! Young boss! Isn't that the girl who visited your home a year ago?!"

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