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"Oh well I wanted to ask if you could lend Haruhi some of your uniform because hers had been stained." I thought for a moment and nodded. "I'll have them delivered in the host club right now."

"Oh that won't be needed. I'll let my men pick them up from your home."


"I'm here to pick up (Y/n)'s uniform." Now to add some context. I did say we didn't had any maids here, but we do. I forgot to ask we have a maid thats only job is to accompany my family for errands (but mostly my parents.) and also for cooking. The maids face was surprised to see a tall handsome spectacled male wait outside the morinozula manor. With guards and a limo behind him. And this wasn't the first time. Since this wasn't Haruhi's first time ruining my uniforms. "Here you go sir."

"Oh and please give to (Y/n). Tell her it's from one of her brothers. Don't tell her which though. Also, don't give it to her immediately." The maid nods as Kyoya smiles to the maid and leaves.


"You should really be thanking (y/n). Her entire wardrobe will be in your house if you keep making accidents like this." Kyoya says. "Thanks a lot you guys, I'll change."


"Tropical paradise?" I tilt my head. He nods and hands me a paper bag where my clothes would be in. "These are perfect for you." You must be questioning why I still cross dress to this day. Well growing up trying to act all masculine got me to love doing it. Also I'm not very used to wearing the uniform. My parents decided that my obligation to cross dressing can stop, yet I still continue doing it. Since rich families keeps asking for a hand in marriage in case my mother gets pregnant again. It just freaked my father out so the cross dressing was decided to be an obligation before. Similar to tamaki-senpai. I wore a garment that doesn't have sleeves, but covers the upper part of my arms. I put on a golden and large belt that is sorta similar to the belts the boxers get as trophies after winning matches. I put a traditional tropical skirt as my bottoms and heeled slippers as my shoes. I put on a Egyptian like necklace on me which completed the entire outfit. I look over to my brother and he looks back. "You should do something with your hair." He states. "Like what?"

"And that's why his hair is braided!" Honey explains a short story about why my hair was braided with little flowers on them due to my brother. "It looks really pretty on you (y/n)-San!" A client compliments. "Why aren't you shirtless like the others?" A client asked. "I mean not like you need to be shirtless!" She blushes retracting her statement.

"(N/n)-chan is very insecure about his body!" Why does that sound like an insult? The girls nod. "We understand and respect it (y/n)-San." I look over to hani and he just smiles back. I guess he understood that I was trying to thank him for covering me up.



"Oh you're so cute honey!" Two clients say in sync. "Hi ladies! I love these Balinese flowers! We had them flew in!" After he says that, me and takashi walks by. Him holding a pineapple. "Takashi! (Y/n)!" He calls out. He jumps over to him and climbs him up like a monkey. He pulls out a necklace made out of Balinese flowers and puts them on takashi. Hani looks over to me and takes out a single Balinese flower and placed them on my hair. "I don't have an extra necklace (y/n), but if we did it will ruin the attention that pretty necklace you have! There! We match!~" He says while hugging takashi. I blush out of cuteness and looked away.


"Why are we here again kyoya-senpai?" I asked as I sit on the sunbathing chair with my senpai. "We were invited to stay here for free. I don't see what's wrong with staying here after school so I think it's best to just enjoy staying here." He answers as he takes a sip of the drink he had. I pulled out my phone and opened up a mobile game and began playing it after our short conversation. He looks over to my phone and placed his drink on the small side table we were both sharing. "Since when did you started getting into gaming?"

"Well... Me and renge started hanging out." I stated. "She also recommended me some games I might get interested in. I played them and I got hooked into it." I added. "Mmmh... I'd never expect for you to hang out with someone like renge."

"She kinda reminds me of honey..." I said placing a chip in my mouth. "What she recomend you?"

"Mmh? Oh the kyoya otori otome game. It's a pretty fun game, you should try it." I say showing my screen to him. "Actually... Never mind, It might be awkward for you to be playing with yourself." I stated as I swallowed the chip I chewed on. His eyes widen and slightly blush from my statement. "How can you say that so unironically?"


After a few moments later the twins challenged the king against a water gun fight. This caused for tamaki-senpai to slip on a banana peel and hit a tikki totem. Inside it were parts of a computer that lagged due to the impact, causing the whole theme park to error. A huge wave hit mitsuki and he soon disappeared from where he was.

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