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Kyoya-senpai asked if I could help him search for tamaki's mother. I happily accepted the offer when he said it. It was awkward to travel all over France with him. And it made it more awkward with the 3 other guards he has. Due to the car being strictly a 4 seater. The 3rd guard had to use a different vehicle. And I had to sit beside kyoya for the next few trips he invites to. "If you have 3 guards who are helping you in this investigation then why did you invite me?" Kyoya stares at me then looks away without an answer. I look at him all confused after that response and looked away and by the window instead. We roam around a few spots. Clues being more found by his men than me. I felt useless at that time since it more felt like sight seeing. When the curfew was almost here we had to leave only going to a quarter of the places we needed to go. Kyoya was quite distant than he usually was, but I tried to not be bothered even if I was.


I sulk as we both walk back to the hotel. The guards had driven away as they were staying somewhere else. I wasn't sure about that. Maybe they were going to their own trip for relaxation.

I didn't even realized I was sulking until kyoya pointed it out. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. You confuse me, otori-senpai."

"Is it because of the car?"

"Because of what happened in the car." It was a small problem, but I didn't care. I looked at him while he looks back. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I was in front of my guards. I didn't want them to see me differently. Especially when I'm around you."

"At least you're honest..."

"But to answer your question from earlier. I wanted you to join me because I need you. I hope you can endure this for a few." He stops on his steps while looking at me. I sighed and nodded. "I deserved to be paid for this."

"Then it's settled. There's 500k yen in your account right now." He says smugly. I choked at his words and he just gives me this teasing smirk.


I sighed as I looked at the moon. Sitting in front of the entrance of the hotel. I quite, didn't enjoy the free period today. So I wanted to get some fresh air. And I didn't felt like I was getting any in the balcony in my room which is why I'm here. "Oh, hey Morinozuka-san." I looked over to see Kasanoda. His class was also in this trip. He had this relaxing expression as he waves at me. I waved back before he got to my place. "What are you doing here so late?"

"I wanted to buy a midnight snack. Do you want to join me?" I nod as we walked off.

We stopped on the closest convenience store. "Kasanoda. Look." I call as I point to a funny magazine. "I never realized France has this kind of humor too." It took a moment, but kasanoda laughs too after reading the punch line. Thank goodness this was in english.

When we left. We decided to stay outside the store and sat by the tables they had and ate the food there. "The night seems better here." He says as we both look up. "Maybe it's because it's really chaotic back at home."

"You're right." We both stayed quiet, not wanting to break the silence. "You know. I've never seen you outside the host club. So I never realized how quiet you actually are." I say. "Same here. You're actually quite the talker when you brother isn't with you."

"Don't you even try to get in that part." I say a little irritatingly as I flip a popsicle stick straight to his forehead. He rubs it, but laughs at my action. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh. It made me smile a little. "Say, umm... Are you doing anything for tomorrow's free period?"

"Actually... I have an errand so I'm not." His smile turned into a frown and nods. "Although. I might be free on the 7th day." He smiles again from this. "Wonderful! I mean... Umm... Do you wanna make plans for that day tomorrow?"

"But I'm not free tomorrow..."

"No I mean like... Can we be partners?

For the trip tomorrow?"

"Oh. Of course."


The next day. Since our trip was different with the 2nd and 3rd years. I had more time to hang out with kasanoda. We planned out for day 7 as I wish that I'll be free then. Kyoya is still not done with his mission.

In the 7th day of the trip. We stopped on a destination where kyoya said to stay at the car with the guards while he interviews someone who had seen tamaki's mother. I look over to one of the guards and looked away waiting for kyoya. "Are you and master kyoya friends?" One of the guards asked. "Mh? Yes, I suppose. But mostly we're just club mates."

"I don't understand why kyoya-senpai asked me to join him when I'm literally doing nothing for this investigation." I say annoyingly. The guards flinch from the sudden realization. "Well kyoya-sama seems less cruel when you're here."

"Oh I already know that. I just feel like me being in the car is a waste of space and gas."

"No you're not." All three guards flinch when their master arrives aa they form a path to the car door. Kyoya passes them and walked to me. "You're really helping me here (N/n)-chan." My eyes widen and same for the guards. They wanted to scream, but they were too scared to do so. No one's ever called me by the nickname honey gave me. "I thought..." I shook the thought away and smiled at kyoya. "Well... We have a few hours before curfew arrives. Would you like to spend that time to actually go sightseeing?" What. A tired man like him, offers me to do something that involves more walking for him? What??? "No." Kyoya looked confused aa for the guards. They fell to themselves at my sudden answer. "I'm tired because of today of doing literally nothing. I'm fine with dinner."

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