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"Yeah, well I'm sorry about that."

"Sorry? What do you mean? I didn't do anything to make those girls crowd up to ask you to dance." I say looking up at him. "Oh...! Well umm... The girls seemed to had calmed down today anyways..." Ritsu sighs of relief realizing what I meant. "So who's your date?"

"Date? I... Didn't had one..." Ritsu says. "Me too... I don't think I'd enjoy having to follow someone all afternoon for the dance."

"But you did that last year with Mori-senpai." Ritsu laughs. "That was last year alright? I'm not that bothered with him being absent." We fell quiet which actually felt awkward. So I invited him to join me and Kyoya to the clubroom. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Me and Ritsu looked over to see Renge. "May I accompany (Y/n)-chan for the next dance?" Renge asked as she lends her hand out. Ritsu nods as he lets go for me to go to Renge. Renge looks at Kasanoda as she holds my hand and then back to me. "You seem to be feeling more comfortable with Kasanoda. Are you sure you're fine with him?" I nod and sent Renge a reassuring smile. "Of course. I'm sure me and Kasanoda see each other as friends now." I say. Renge sighs of relief. "Anyways. Your brother invited me to dance with him. You don't mind that right?"

"Satoshi? Sure, why not." I nod as we both let go of each other.

I opened the doors to notice the clubroom was empty to only have a wheeled tv in front of a couch that had some of the members in it. It had the first years and the twins on the floor. The twins both look by the door and smiled. "(Y/n)! Come sit with us! We're having a movie night before summer break starts!"

"Couldn't you guys just wait until summer break?"

"No absolutely not. Besides. If you sit with us, it can convince Kyoya to watch too." I sigh with a smile and sat down beside one of the first years. "I'm convinced." Kyoya says as he sits at the corner of the couch beside me with a smile. "As predicted." Both the twins say. "I'll go get some more popcorn." The first year says as the twins approve of his action. The movie was a rom-com which was kinda boring. Kyoya's arm was over the couch back so I just used this opportunity to lay my back on his chest, knowing that he'd like it. "Mh?" I look over to him and smiled and back to the movie. He just smiles and focuses on the movie. The heels were killing me so I decided to take them off as soon as I entered the clubroom earlier. I heard the door open which made me immediately pull my head up away from Kyoya's back in panic. We spotted Kasanoda awkwardly entering the clubroom. The twins invited him to watch too which he did. He sat beside me as one of the first years offered him a bucket of popcorn. I decided not to lay my head on Kyoya's chest again since the situation right now felt too tense. Kyoya was sorta irritated by this. He flinches when the back of his hand felt Ritsu's head when he unconsciously leans his head back. Not noticing Kyoya's hand, he didn't move. But we both noticed. I looked over Kyoya with a cheeky smile and Kyoya just looked at me with an irritated smile. I pinched his cheek and layed my back on his bicep just to annoy him. He sighed and just watched. The twins got bored halfway through the movie and decided to change the movie. This makes Kyoya finally talk since there's no point to stay quiet when there's no movie to watch. "Alright. You two need to stop." Kyoya says annoyingly, pulling his arm away from both me and Ritsu's heads. "Huh?! Kyoya-senpai?! You had your hand on my head?!" Ritsu says all embarrassed, his face burning red. "C'mon. It was obvious it was there."

"And you didn't move a muscle." Kaoru snickers joining in with the conversation. "How mischievous of Kyoya to let his kouhai's lay on his arm like that."

"And don't even try to escape too, (Y/n). We saw you lay your head on his chest. How sweet that you two are like this behind our backs." My eyes widen as I try to back away from this, but the twins kept surrounding me. "Oh, stop teasing her already you two. We flirt sometimes and that's not a private thing." Kyoya admits and it caused the twins to get bored. "Damn. What's the point of teasing the two of you then. Oh well."

"WAIT- HER?! MORINOZUKA-SENPAI IS A GIRL?!" Both the first years say. "Huh? That's not really a secret you dummies. She's even wearing a dress. The twins say pinching both the first years cheeks.


I stretched my back before relaxing myself on the tanning chair. Today was summer break and the club had decided to go on a training camp for the summer. All club members including the one's who left were here. And it's not really a training camp for the other members and only for the first years. The rest were just here in the private beach to relax. I open my eyes to notice Kyoya and Ritsu walking together having a conversation. "I wouldn't expect the two of you to be talking." Hikaru says rubbing his chin. "Oh well what's wrong with having a conversation with my club members, hikaru?" I watch as the two have a conversation. Ritsu looks over to me and waves at me with a smile. "You arrived late."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Ritsu's laughs as he sits beside the tanning chair beside mine. "You seem to be warming up with Kyoya."

"Well I gotta be hoenst. He's the easiest to talk to in this club."

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