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"Father. My wife is pregnant. And I came here to inform it to you." He stated to the bald elderly. "Well... If you came here to inform me news. I'll also inform you some news as well..." He smiled. He looked at his father with curiosity. "What news?"

"Well... Did you remember your uncle shirobu?" He asked. Akira only nodded. 'I sure wish I didn't remember him though...' He thought. "We talked about having grand children and we planned that if ever one of our sons ever gets a female child. We'll arrange them an engagement with one of the sons of the other family." He explained, making his son wide eyed. He wanted to say something to at least disagree with his father, but he was too scared to actually spit anything out. "Anyways. I will inform shirobu as soon as I can. We sure do wish that your up coming child is a girl. But even so. Shirobu's child is finally going to have a child soon. I've been praying that they would be a girl." He stated, feeling excited. Then facing a sharp turn to his child with a meanest glare he could get. "Now leave. I have other things to do." He stated. Clapping both of his fingers making him get up, bow down to his father then respectfully leave.


"Oh no dear what should we do if it's a girl?"

"I don't know. Me, myself is clueless." The two parents were having a meeting about this. It has only been four months and the third chief of the kasanoda syndicate's wife has already given birth to a male. Rumors say that the child was born with an evil glint in his eyes. Making the two more nervous and scared than before. They thought of many things. Throwing the child to an orphanage, killing the child, or keeping the child somewhere unknown or to their relatives. But ofcourse. It was their second child. And takashi was very excited for his new baby sibling. And they loved their child too much to not send them far away.


"It's a g-!"

"I swear to god if you say that word I will end you." The ravennette threatened to the doctor poking the dagger to the side where his kidney was located. "I-I mean... It's a boy... Yahoo!" The said Doctor sweats. Making the bearded man do the same. Keeping back his dagger back inside his suit.


While the years passed the young girl was named with a male name. Since her given name sounded too feminine for her parents opinion. They thought on just changing it to a more masculine name. Since others might think she really is one.


Time passes and (y/n)'s grandfather grew suspicious to his so called 'grandson' and decided to dress his grandkid for him and tried to find it out himself.

"A-ki-ra!" The old man called out dragging out all the syllables. He flinches from his fathers angry tone and slowly turns around, not able to react quickly from the speeding dagger flying straight at him. Luckily the old geezer missed the dagger on purpose. I think... It's either he missed it on purpose or he was too old to aim it properly. Still though, the dagger stabbed the wall behind akira and it was still a pretty strong throw for an old man. "I was undressing my grandson to find out he's my granddaughter." He states, crossing his arms. Sweat started to gain from his body not being able to utter a word from his mouth. "Look, if you didn't want any of your kids to marry my friends kid you could've just told me." Akira sighs and looks down in defeat. "I'm sorry father, I don't want my children to marry anyone from that group. And the boy seems too much for her." He explains looking down to his two feet. "I'll talk to my friend to cancel this deal, she it your child and your responsibility. I'm sorry for pressuring you into doing this for me. You're a great son and your kids are great too."


In the end, akira's father told his friend that the second son was actually a daughter. Although that information wasn't spread since no one were really curious nor did they asked. Her parents had allowed her to stop crossdressing, but she still continued to do so seeing that she's more comfortable doing so. The parents decided to just leave her be until she's ready or not. In any sort of paperwork, she was identified as female, but was shown to be male. A lot of people mistaken her to be a he especially in school seeing how she was wearing the male school uniform. She wasn't bothered by it even though her pronounce was she/her. Her gender had stopped being a secret and she'll only tell when people asked. She actually started growing her hair and would cut it occasionally.

The morinozuka family are suppose to serve the haninozuka family. So basically we don't have any maids in the house.

Having a quiet breakfast with my family. Me and my two brothers wearing our uniforms, soon finished our meals. We sat on the living room silently waiting for there ride to arrive. The haninozuka's children and the morinozuka's children share the same limo. But the haninozuka originally owns the limo. The vehicle arrived and the three of us were escorted to the car. The youngest had discomfort when he was alone with his older siblings. So he exhaled a breath of releif when the car finally arrived. So that he could see his close friend.

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