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"(Y/n)!" Renge cheerfully calls as she walks over to me. We we're currently in the entrance of the school where the boards were displayed. "Oh, good morning, Renge. Have you found your class yet?"

"Yes! And we're classmates!!" Renge happily says as she hugs me. I laugh as I hugged her back.

We were in class 2-A. Once when we got in our seats we were met with twins greeting us. They sat by the middle row right by the window as they were assigned. And Renge was assigned at the back beside the window. I was sat at the 2nd row beside the wall, the opposite side of the window side. As I listened to the teacher. They immediately point at the back noticing a student who was sneaking into class. "Oh. There you are. No need to tell me your excuse dear. It is the first day after all. You're assigned to sit over there." The teacher points to my direction. I turned to see the seat behind me was empty. And the approaching student made eye contact with me. Our eyes both widen and his movements started to slow down. "Kasanoda-san could you be seated a little faster?" The teacher asked as they turn to write on the board. I immediately turn around to mind my own business. I haven't thought of him almost all of my vacation. It still felt awkward seeing him.


"Ah- Morinozuka-sa-" Lunch had started and that made me panic so I immediately stood up and called out for Renge. "(Y/n)! Wanna go have lunch together?" She calls. "Of course." Renge puts her hand on my back as we walk off the classroom. "I'm so glad we don't have to go to each others classrooms just to meet up anymore."

"Either way we're still going outside so..." As I say this. I didn't realize Renge glaring at Ksanoda behind me. This made Ritsu flinch and backed off.


"Excuse me. Morinozuka-"

"Hey! (N/n)-chan, we gotta go and recruit some first years to be new host members." The twins say.

"Didn't we already do that last year?- Hey wait!"
As I say that. The twins hook their arms to mine and dragged me out the classroom. Not even getting a chance to clean my desk. Renge walks over to my desk and started to clean up my stuff, catching the confused Kasanoda's attention. "Look stud. You already hurt her feelings last year. So don't try to do it this year, got it?" A beat of sweat drops down the side of his face. He just sighs and nods. "Alright.."


As he slumps down while walking out of the school building he stops to see someone he wouldn't expect to bump into. "Oh, good day, ritsu." I greeted with slight awkwardness on my tone. "Oh... Hey..." He awkwardly waves. "Aren't you suppose to be in the host club?" He hesitantly say's remembering Renge's words. "I have kendo club today. And the clubroom is closed since the rest are recruiting some 1st years..."

"Oh." This gave Ritsu some time to analyze my uniform. My hair was up higher than I usually tie it when I'm in the kendo club. And the rest of my kendo uniform suited me very well. "Ritsu?" He snaps back in reality as he makes eye contact with me which made him flustered in embarrassment. "Ah! Sorry! You were saying?"

"About last year? I'm sorry about my random confession. I hope we can still be friends?" I asked with a small awkward smile. Ritsu gives the same awkward smile and nods. "Yes. Of course." My face became less awkward as I turned to go back to the building. "Ah- wait. (Y/n)-san?"


"Umm... I was meaning to ask... Is it alright if I join the host club?"


"You're joining the host club?" Hikaru asked. "But I thought you're already in the gardening club?"

"I'll have the host club as my secondary club."

"Rejected!" The twins say. "What? Why?" Ritsu asked. "We don't allow people to join our club as their secondary club."

"What?! But I signed up to be the manager as a secondary member!" Renge says angrily showing her member form. "Oh really is that why you don't show up in every episode in the anime?" The twins both ask. "Wait so whats your primary club then?"

"Why the Kyoya Ootori fan club of course!" Renge fawns putting on a shirt with Kyoya's face in it. "WHAT." Kyoya says almost breaking his clipboard when gripping it. "Joking! I'm in the gaming club, duh! The fan club is just a side hustle." Renge says laughing. Showing her president of the fan club enamel pin that she pins on her shirt. Kyoya just sighs trying to calm himself down in the background. "Well... I guess we have no loop holes to give. Alright fine. You're accepted to join the club as a secondary member!" The twins says holding the acceptance stamp. About to stamp the form. "Wait!" Kyoya says as stops the twins. "I'm the club president. I have the say in this."

"Oh? Well what's your say then? New boss?" Kaoru says teasingly snaking beside Kyoya. "Are you hesitating 'cuz your crush' old crush is joining your club?" Hikaru asked snaking on the other side. Kyoya was irritated and stamps the form. "What I mean, is that the club president should be stamping the forms." The twins just shrug. "So what role should we give him?" One of the twins asked. "Well we need to have a role call first."

"Kyoya's the cool and collected.
The twins are the mischievous type.
Renge is the fun type-"

"Wait- since when was I a host?!-"

"(Y/n) is the new strong silent crossdresser."

"Wait are we really gonna show that in the introductions?"

"We don't have to." Kyoya says. "Well I prefer if that's not listed there..."

"Oh! So that we can let the customer find out for themselves!" One of the twin says. "Well if a customer does find out. It could actually attract more customers so why not."

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