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"I can't let you be with such a savage, my love. For you can see... I'm in love with you." The fangirling screams from Renge covers the romantic music coming from the video game as she shakes me. I hold the controller trying to control my blush even though I was beat red. "We're home!"
We hear honey from the entrance. His smile becomes brighter seeing the pile of snacks that is around us. "You guys seemed to had a great morning!" He laughs running up to us, only to eat some of the snacks. Mori frowns only seeing the living room is a mess. Renge's bra on the couch and empty plastics on the floor with empty soda bottles. I noticed this and hurried helped him clean up. "Sorry, onii-chan..." He just hums in pain. "Wait! (N/n)-chan! Take a shower! We need to take you to a great cafe we found before you leave for Japan!" Honey grabs my arm dragging me to the bathroom. "I'll clean up for you! This is urgent so shower quick!"


"Tada! See I told you, you wouldn't regret it!" He cheerfully says as he happily takes a bite of the cake he ordered. "You seem giddy. Did something happen in university?"

"Mh? Nothing at all! I just wanted to bond with you until you get back to Japan." Honey happily says. I notice Mori and Renge having a quiet conversation and I try to listen, but honey cuts both of them off. "Anyways! What did you order?" He says startling Renge. "I just ordered what Renge's ordering." I say. "Well you're not gonna regret it!" Mori stares at me skeptically without my notice and looks away.


A few hours later we finally got ready to go the airport with Mori and Honey, but they fled off. We sat by the business class lounge and waited. We
heard the announcer about our flight so I stood up to get to the gate, but Renge told me to go without her since she was gonna go get something. I sighed and pulled both our bags to the gate. It really bothered me that I haven't seen half the club. I expected them to throw a surprise an hour before my flight, but I'm on my way to the plane right no-


I flinched from that voice as I slowly turned around. Seeing him. Kyoya. "I know this is a bad time. But Tamaki made me do this." He eyes over the corner of the hallways seeing the whole club peeking and immediately hiding away. With Tamaki slipping, but Mori catching him. I sigh with a smile and look over to Kyoya whom I realized was nervous. He steps forward and rummaged his pocket to pull out something. "I wanted to give you this. I know that you can't accept my feelings, but please take this as some sort of symbol... Of the two of us." It was a brooch or my favorite color and animal. I smiled as I took it. "Tamaki suggested a ring, but I didn't want to make it too romantic..." He says with a tone that hinted sadness to it. I sigh i look at him with my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you." I say as turned around to leave. I sighed a little disappointed of myself for not leaving something for him, but I felt too cowardly.


"You did what?!"

"What did you expect me to do?"

"I don't know?- I'd kiss him, you know." Renge sighs as she sits back on her seat. "Renge. You know that I'm still in a bad state." I tell her sternly. She was surprised by my tone, but she understood. "Yeah... I'm sorry... Just don't be mad with Kyoya alright? This was Tamaki's plan. Haruhi even tried to stop it."

A few days ago...

"What's with that smile you got on your face Kyoya?" Hikaru asked which made Kyoya frown immediately. "What smile?!" Tamaki says rushing over to the two. "Nothing." Kyoya annoyingly says staring at Tamaki which was more of a glare. "It's 'cuz of (Y/n) most definitely!" Kaoru says with a teasing tone. Tamaki stayed quiet while Kyoya looks away which proves the twins' point. "Oh my god! Since when?! And why haven't you told me, Mommy?!"

"It's really obvious boss, how could you not notice?" They both say together. "You're kidding?! How'd you guys know?!"

"Really boss?"

"His mood changes when the nozuka's around? Especially when (Y/n) is there?"

"Everytime (Y/n) is absent for kendo club he's always in a bad mood?"

"We even pulled a prank on (Y/n) to prove our point and Kyoya gave us the worst punishment in existence."

"If you guys won't shut your mouths right now, I will give you an even worse punishment." He annoyingly says. This made the twins close their mouths immediately while Tamaki was still processing. "Kyoya! You need to tell her how you feel!"

"She already-"

"No need to plan it on your own! I got it all ready for you!" Tamaki says and Kyoya groans in annoyance.


"Renge... I noticed the actions (Y/n) has been doing for a while while we're here in the u.s. and it came to realize she's treating you like how she treats me and honey. I hope you can excuse her actions. She's not used to being alone so please do take care of her and maybe try to make her get used to not following people like a poodle." Renge thinks of the words Mori said to her while in the plane. It was night and I was fast asleep beside her. She was either thinking about the words or the fact that it was the first time Mori spoke to her that long before. She looks over to me and smiled. Brushing off my bangs and giving a tender kiss on my forehead before drifting off to sleep as well.

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