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"So what role should we give Bossanova then?" The twins asked. "Well to be honest. He's a mix of Mori and Honey. So let's give him the gentle giant role." I suggest. They all agreed as the twins suddenly pop some confetti cannons to Ritsu as the rest clap to Ritsu's new role. He just awkwardly laughs while the members, including me. Welcoming him. "Let's celebrate!" The twins say. "We can't celebrate, yet." The twins frown staring at Kyoya. "We need to find at least, one new member in the first years. Then we'll celebrate."


"It didn't really took that long to find a new one. Since a week later two 1st years entered. A girl and a boy. Who were both accepted to become new members. A boys role was a new Tamaki. As he was quite flirtatious. He was familiar since I saw him hanging out with Satoshi and Yasuchika before. But we still haven't given the girl a role yet. So Renge helped her out while we were in the party.

"Enjoying the party?" Kyoya says as he walks by me while I was enjoying being by myself in the snack table. "Yes actually. I thought I'd freak out when I'm not with Takashi like last year."

"I'm glad you're not treating Renge like Mori-senpai too. We we're all worried about that happening."

"Oh you know about that too?"

"Mori-senpai was worried about that. So we noticed his panic."

"Of course you guys would. He panics about family like he's going to die. I make fun about it to him all the time." I giggle at a scenario I thought of. And Kyoya grins at me, sweetly. "I finally got away from the twins." Ritsu says rushing up to the snack table. "Enjoying the party, Ritsu?"

"If you can call being pranked by the twins 6 times today fun." He says sounding exhausted. Me and Kyoya laugh at this and he was just confused. "They usually do that to new members. They'll do that to the first years soon."

"You're the first victim since you joined the club first." Kyoya adds. "Oh hey, you ordered one of my favorite meals, Kyoya-senpai?"

"I take research of my club members favorite meals." He says. "Maybe I should sit down and just eat. I'm exhausted with all this socializing." I say taking a plate of the food the table offers. "Save some for the guest, (Y/n)." Kyoya says. He looks over to see something one the twins and the male first year caused and runs over, stressing about it. "May I join you then?" I look over to Ritsu and nodded with a smile. He lets out a breath of relief as we sat next to each other and chatted while eating. I'm glad that the tension was starting to wear off, since I really wanted our friendship from before to grow back again.


"(Y/n)! I have special news for you!" Renge calls pulling closer to her by hooking her hands with my arm. "I went to one of your kendo tournaments. And I found out you have a fan club!" My eyes widen and switched to being confused. "Pardon?"

"After you switched your host club as your secondary club and had more time with you kendo club. People who would watch the kendo club practice started noticing you more and formed a club!" I felt like my soul was leaving my body, not being able to process the information she was dumping on me. "I have so much reservations here with your name in it! Your gonna be busy in your host club days!" Renge beams holding a clip board with said list. "Since when do you hold a clip board?"

"Since last year! C'mon, girl! Kyoya-senpai lends me the paperwork too!" Renge whines a little offended as the club manager. "By the way! Who are you gonna ask for the ouran dance?" My mind went blank from that question. "Our first year member actually asked me, so I said yes!" She notices my silence being more quiet than usual. "(Y/n)?" She waves her hand on my face. I snap back to reality and rub my face to help me focus. "I don't even know what to wear..."

"Oh! If you're gonna buy a dress then can I help you get one then?"

"Now that you think about it... I actually do wanna wear a dress for this year..." I say with a smile. After the praises I earned when I wore a kimono in my brothers graduation. I feel more comfortable wearing feminine clothing in school. "Wonderful! Let's shop after school then!"


"Since your eyes don't usually stand out. Let's help it stand out by buying a dress that matches them!" Renge says once when we step into her personal tailors shop. The tailor measures me as Renge grabs the bag of her order. "Sooo? You didn't answer my question from earlier."

"Which one?"

"Your date for the dance!"

"Does that really matter? I didn't had one last year..."

"Yeah, but you seemed fed up when no one asked you." I blushed from Renge's tease. Her face changes to a more mischievous look as she giggles. "Maybe you're waiting for Kyoya to ask you?"

"What?! Absolutely not!"

"Yeah, well you're happy face says otherwise when I saw you enter the club room with Kyoya." She pulls her tongue out finally catching my act. My face turns beat red as I cover it. "So what if I'm waiting?! Even if I look forward to it, it doesn't change that I don't want a date! Besides... I was thinking we could spend our times talking in the dance?" Renge's eyes soften. Remembering Takashi's words. "Well... I'll try to give some time, but I still need to entertain my date. Maybe we can hang out in the club room after the dance?"

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