Chapter 7: Framed. Shamed. Damned.

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Krystal (thinking): (Zhongli's injury from two weeks ago could never leave my mind. I am honestly very worried. Ever since he gave off his gnosis, his energy has been going down. Sure, he has retained his powers, but he can't recreate mora or last too long in a battle. It worries me my antics with my temper and partying after work with the staff are taking a toll on him...)*sighs*

Gui: Dr. Krystal. Hey. You're dozing off again.

Krystal: Gui? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm really worried about my godfather. He really didn't have to tussle with my uncle like that. I could've taken on my uncle so he wouldn't have gotten injured by his magma...

Gui: Krystal you would've ended up in the hospital if you did that. Bubu Pharmacy would not be able to run for a week. Besides, Only a Geo vision would've been able to block the Tianxuan's magma attack...I have never seen a Geo Vision user use magma like that.

Krystal: That's my uncle for you. Crazy, yet powerful.

Gui: Mhm. Anyways, there is someone who is here to see you.

Krystal: Who is it?

Gui: I know you may not be happy to see her, but it's Miss Yunjin.

Krystal: Oh? And what does she want? Is she here to apologize for assaulting me?

Gui: Yes, and she needs to explain her "situation" to you. It might clear up what happened that day when she got arrested.

Krystal: Alright. *heads out of her office*

Gui: Ah, Ms. Yun, Dr. Krystal will be speaking to you soon.

Yunjin: Hello.

Krystal: Hi. Long time no see. If I remember, we didn't get along the last time we met, now, did we?

Yunjin: No. We did not. Look, I'm sorry for assaulting you that time. I was very frustrated with my medication and I should've known that you were busy that day dealing with other patients. I'm also sorry about lying to you about not having enough throat medication, but I am going to explain why I did that. I spent 3 weeks in jail and had to do 60 hours of community service, and if I am able to reason with you, the Milileth will let me go as of today.

Krystal: It's fine. So, what happened on that day? Why were you trying to ask for more throat medication when you had some?

Yunjin: I've been overusing it. The thing is, the dose is too low for me and has not been able to soothe my throat before performances.

Krystal: Ms. Yun, this is the highest dose that can be prescribed. Any higher can cause tachycardia (fast heartbeats). Please, don't tell me, you have been taking the medication more than you were directed?

Yunjin: Yes. This is an as-needed medication, and usually, you tell me that there is a limit to how many times I can take this medication, as I reach the highest dose per day. But sadly, the medication has not been working for me lately, so I've been taking more than the limit you put down for my last fill. Usually, the medication works, but lately, I'm not feeling the same effects.

Krystal: Oh no. Ok, first off, have you been having any palpitations since using the medication? Have you been feeling dizzy or nauseous these past couple of weeks? Has your voice become drier? Because it can dry your throat if you use it more often.

Yunjin: No.

Krystal: And you only drink water 15 minutes after the medication has been sprayed in, correct?

Yunjin: Yes.

Krystal: Hm. Judging that you have not experienced any side effects and have been drinking water 15 minutes after each dose as directed, the only thing I can deduce is that your medication has been tampered with while you are gone. Tell me, have you seen anything suspicious around Heyu Tea House or your home?

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