Chapter 5: The Liyue Hospital Emergency

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Herbalist Gui: We were having a busy day at work when all of a sudden we got a call from the Liyue Hospital. 

Krystal (picking up the phone): Hello, this is Bubu Pharmacy. How may I help you?

Nurse: Hello? Is this Dr. Krystal? 

Krystal: Yes. 

Nurse: Thank goodness you are on the line. We have an emergency in regards to Chang the Ninth. He was admitted yesterday with severe pneumonia. 

Krystal: Oh goodness. What happened? Did he experience any septic shock? Tell me. What were his symptoms?!

Nurse: He had septic shock, respiratory failure, and hypothermia*. Ever since his books got stolen, he has forgotten to eat and sleep, which led to the state that he is now. 

Krystal: Oh goodness. Okay, what IV medication have you been using?

Nurse: We have been using Levofloxacin given that he had an allergic reaction to the Ampicillin/Sulbactam. However, we got some of his cultures back and now he has MRSA.

Krystal: Shit. 

Nurse: We were going to treat it with Linezolid and Vancomycin* once the new deliveries arrived, however, the order never arrived. All of the IVs of Vancomycin and Linezolid that we have are reserved for other patients. 

Krystal: Didn't you order some from Fontaine a week ago? They were supposed to be delivered by yesterday.

Nurse: Yes I am aware. However, we never got a notification that the delivery was delayed. Do you have any other alternatives to those medications? If you do, please send it to us ASAP. 

Krystal: Well, I can give you some Qingxin, given it works similarly to Linezolid, however, we do not have any in stock as we gave it to other patients for their prescriptions. We need to go pick some more for the pharmacy. We could use Mist Flower Corolla or Flaming Flower Stamen, but that can cause his temperature to fluctuate and can worsen his confusion. I think it is best we check on the package while we go pick some Qingxin. I saw a package floating around Qingce Village the other day and it could be the IV medications that you ordered. 

Nurse: Okay sounds good. 

Krystal: I immediately hung up the phone and decided to pack my things. 

Qiqi: Where are you going?

Krystal: Qingce Village. Also, pack your herb collecting bag Qiqi, we are going to find some Qingxin in Wuwang Hill and check up on a package. Gui, look after the pharmacy for me. We will be back real soon.

Gui: Got it.

Qiqi: I packed my bag and brought some coconut milk and Dr. Krystal drove her carriage over to Qingce Village. When we arrived, we met with Granny Ruoxin to ask her if she saw a package float by around the village. 

Granny Ruoxin: Oh why hello Dr. Krystal, little miss Qiqi, what brings you to Qingce this afternoon?

Krystal: Granny Ruoxin. Thank goodness! I was wondering if you saw a floating package from Fontaine floating around here by any chance? We really need the items on that balloon.

Qiqi: It's for Chang the who?

Krystal: Chang the Ninth. He has severe pneumonia and an additional infection. So Granny, have you seen any transport balloons with a Fontaine sticker on them?

Granny Ruoxin: There have been many balloons floating around Qingce Village. In fact, it's like the village has become some sort of delivery port lately with the number of transport balloons passing by around here. As for one from Fontaine, I did see one. It went towards Wuwang Hill. If you go now, maybe you can catch up to it. 

Carmen Cygni (Genshin OC Fanfic) *Archived*Where stories live. Discover now