Math (Khai/Third)

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As Third watched Khai, his best friend and crush for years, flirting at the club room, he realized that not every time 1+1 equal 2. It was simple math, one person like the other, and they should be together. The problem was his +1 didn't like him the same way. Therefore this equation had no solution. Besides, Khai never thought seriously about having +1, and if he did, it wasn't Third for sure. The boy sights, scribbling something absentmindedly on the paper just to crumpled it and throwing it in the bin. He stood up from his seat, giving a last glance to his friend before leaving the room. 

Khai was aware of Third the whole time he talked with the beautiful junior. He saw him sigh and writing something before crumpling it and tossing it in the trash. He was curious enough to go and pull it out. He curiously spread the paper, looking at the numbers confusedly. 

He wasn't a mathematical genius, but the 1+1 did equal 2, so why would Third strike the number two off?

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