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Sadly my stupid twin fucking helped Tara and got rid of her stalker then fucked her afterward. So now I've got to deal with her. Bust she's been warned of what will happen.

Right now I'm not talking to my idiot man whore brother who can't keep his fucking dick in his jeans.

I walked into the garage seen my brother turned around and walked right out not in the mood to deal with him.

"you'll have to speak with me eventually," he says

I say nothing just walk into the garage office.

"Mom's taken the day off" he says

"fuck" I say to no one.

"I know It's so horrible." he says then walks off

I sit at the desk and get started on handling the whole invoices, the phones for tow, calling customers about their car being finished, etc."

"Hey baby" Tig greets walking over and kissing me.

"Hi daddy" I whispered and kissed him back

"you still not talking to your brother?"

"hell no I'm not speaking to ManWhore of charming" I replied loud enough for Jax to hear me

"Love you to Luana" he replied

I flipped him the bird and he blew a kiss.

"Anything new for me to work on?" Tig asked

"Besides us getting married or you filling me to the brim.. no not at the moment" I replied rubbing his junk

"down baby girl, daddy doesn't need a boner when working on cars or riding," he says taking my hand from his junk to his lips where he kisses my fingers.

"I can't get enough of you," I tell him

"same here, but we have to be good while working."

"that's no fun" I replied

He just shakes his head before kissing my fingers again and walking off.

I whistled watching him walk off.

He looked at me and pointed

"Stop it," he says

I laughed before going back to work.

for the remaining time I worked in the office, I would avoid talking to my brother having a prospect tell him what was needed and everything.

When Chucky came to take over I walked out and headed over to the car where my man was and straddled his lap since he was working under the car.

"I'm gonna go grab me some grub, want something?"

"yea, you to behave," he says

 I stood up and he rolled out looking up at me.

"Nah. nice try though," I say

"Luana," he says with a warning tone

I say nothing just walk off ignoring him calling after me.

"will you stop? I told you I won't do anything with you while we are working." 

"I didn't try anything with you. I just asked if you wanted me to pick up some grub for you and you said my name in a warning tone like your my father."

"I'm sorry."

I sighed and looked at him waiting for him to tell me if he wants something or not.

"Juice has already taken everyone's lunch orders and left," he says

"well, he must have missed me cause he didn't come into the office and ask." 

"I told him to get you what you normally get."

I walked up to him and laid my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass. I'm just frustrated with my brother and taking it out on you for no reason" I explained

He rubs my back.

"I understand baby," he says

I lift my head and kiss his cheek so he doesn't think I'm gonna try something.

"Might wanna get back to work before the boss fires you" I joked

"Nah she loves me cause I make her princess happy," he replied

I smiled while nodding my head.

"Yea you do" I state.

He pecks my lips and walks back to the garage going back to work on that car.

I walked into the clubhouse only to be stopped by some crow eater.

"arent you a little too early to hunt down patches?" she asks

"I am engaged to a son. and for your Fyi, I am not a crow eater." I replied

"I feel sorry for him he got a shitty end of the deal,"  she says then goes to walk off but I grab her by her hair and yank her back and slam her down. she yells out in pain as the patched members look on not coming to her aid.

I straddled her and grab her face.

"Listen here you fucking piece of trash. you disrespect me again and I'll gut you like a damn fish. you don't wanna fuck with me" I warned before I slammed her head down got up and walked off.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now