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"I bet you she is trying to get herself pregnant in order to have not only your protection but the clubs as well. then when shit goes back she will turn around and pull the same shit only she won't run off she'll talk you into giving up the club for her and she'll use Abel and the kid she has hanging over your head knowing how you'd practically do anything for your family." I say

At that time everyone had arrived and was listening in.

"you mean how you got yourself pregnant for protection?" Tara says

"bitch I'm a born Teller. this club is my life. I have to get protection cause I'm John teller's and Gemma Teller Marrows's daughter. I don't need to fuck any of the sons for protecting. it was there the day I came out of my mother. so don't try that shit. and when did get pregnant I was engaged."

"you're not engaged anymore" she states

"no shit. I had no idea that I wasn't engaged anymore. I thought that my ring was invisible." I held up my hand

"well shit there when that thought" I say

the others smile even Jax at how I was being my old self.

"now before the food gets cold shut the fuck up sit your ass down and let's enjoy this meal. I'm done wasting my oxygen on you" I tell her

She does as I said while the others sit down as well. I make sure Demon has plenty of food and water before washing my hands and joining the others.

"Sorry I'm late, had some workers that were complaining," Lu says as she walked in

"I's pornstars Lu what do they not cry about when it comes to not getting their way?" I asked as she sits beside me and laughs.

"well it's the usual. I'm not getting enough limelight, or the make up and clothes isn't perfect" she says

"Are you sure you work with adults and not whiny ass babies?" I questioned

she chuckles

"I thought they were adults but apparently they aren't." she replies

I shake my head smiling.

We all sit there enjoying our family dinner talking about different things.

"so how far along are you if you don't mind me asking?" Ly questions

I swallow my drink.

"Not at all I'm four months" I replied

"woah, you look very beautiful at four months" she says

I smiled

'thank you. and that comment about porn stars wasn't aimed at you." I tell her

"Oh I know" she says waving it off

I nodded my head and went back to eating before I looked over at Demon seeing him laying there sleeping.

"he helping you out?"Alex asked

"yea he's been the best fur baby I could ever ask for." I answered

"Well maybe someone else wouldn't mind helping you " he says

I look at him in question before I hear someone coming in. I turn and see Koz and I jump out of my seat and took off lunging right into his arms.

He laughs as he catches me being careful of my stomach.

"woah look at you." he says as he extends his arms out and looks at me.

'I know I was just two months and hardly a belly now I'm four with a big belly" I replied while smiling and pulled him in for a hug.

"come sit" I sat taking his hand and leading him to the seat beside me that I didn't even notice was left empty for a certain reason.

we sat down and I catch him up on everything.

"I told you don't stress yourself or the baby" he says

"I couldn't help it she was fuckign rude to my mom and you as well as everyone in here knows that I wont let someone be rude or disrepect my mom and get away with it expescailly when I'm within hearing distance of the shit" I tell him

He shakes his head

"what am I to do with you?"

"Love me like a brother just like you had from day one" I tell him

"Of course I'll do that no question about it. I mean with you jumping peoples ass while carrying precious cargo" he says

"Oh well keep people from being stupid and running their mouth as well as being disrespectful he bitches and that will stop me" I say

he as well as some of the others bust out laughing at the comment about stupid he bitches.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you Kozzy."


"I have an invisible ring," I say holding up my hand 

"see it's invisible. who knew they existed" I say

He laughs.

"Do I wanna know?"

I just laugh while shaking my head. probably not but who knew rings was invisible" 

"When will you have a ring back on your finger?"

"Not sure. I'm too busy handling my pregnancy, work, and making sure my fur baby is healthy." I replied

he nods his head in understanding.

Nothing much was said about that topic after that so we moved on and we all got into different topics about different things.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now