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One moment we were talking everything out the next I'm lunging at him and practically tearing his clothes off.

He picks me up and carries me off to be where he sits me down and we both work on stripping the other before I crawl into bed and all but present myself to him like I had so many times before.

"Don't present baby. I wanna watch you as I get reacquainted with your body" he says

I turn and lay on my back and open my legs bending them up.

"start there then work your way up," I tell him

He nods his head and starts right where I want him. His hand touching my stomach softly as he pleasures my core and clit so damn good I start to wither and moan.

"Yea Tiggy baby just like that" I moan as I reach down and take his hand in my while leaving the hand on my stomach alone opting for gripping my pillow instead.

The feeling of his tongue licking me and the pressure from him sucking my lips felt so good. I really did miss having sex with Tig. I missed his mouth, his tongue, his fingers that at the moment are fingering me so damn good. I missed his dick. I missed it all.

I arched my back as I orgasmed before settling down awaiting another that he was gonna work out of me.

"I missed this so much baby" he says

"I know me too."

"I am so sorry for what I said" he says

"I wanna be your beautiful mess daddy. I wnan be married to you I want our baby to have their dad in their life" I cried out as my second orgasm hit

he moves up my body kissing my stomach.

"I want that to. and you can be my beautiful mess as long as you'll take me as your freaky disaster" he says before kissing me

"Oh, I will" I say holding him to me as I kiss him and tears fall from my eyes.

He sits up and rubs my body from my tits to my stomach.

"I wanna live with you again. I missed waking up to you, I miss falling asleep with you. I miss it all."

I nodded my head then moaned when he pushed himself deeply and fully inside of me.

My pussy went four long months without his dick. so the feeling of him stretching me out had me a moaning mess as the slight pain tingled my body.

"Oh fuck, daddy" I cried

"I know baby," he says as he rubs my mound and kisses my nipples.

"give mem ore of that mouth," I tell him

He lifts his head looking up from his hand rubbing me . and smiles before he leans down and sucks my nipples.

I fist his curls as I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaning.

"Is this comfortable for you?" he asked

"its a little much but its ok" I tell him

"I'll go a little longer before we move you into a more suitable position," he says

"okay" I tell him

after he does like he says he pulled out and turned me on my side lifting my leg up and slipped right back where he was.

"how is this?"

"Oh daddy I love it

I turned my head after I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him.

"no pressure?" he asks 

"No, just pleasure. so much pleasure."

"He rubs my stomach as he takes his time with me not wanting to rush and risk harming our unborn baby.

"Thank you," I say

"for what?"

"not fucking any crow eater or porn stars" I replied

"I only wanted to make love or have sex with one woman and that was you, my future wife. I knew I fucked up with what I said to Gemma. and believe me, when you walked off I felt like shit and she kicked my ass." he tells me

"I don't want a huge wedding just important people no visiting sons, crow eaters, pornstars except Ly since she's with Opie. I just want us with the people we love the most and who cares about us"I tell him 

"fine with me just as long as you become Mrs.Trager" he says

"I will daddy. I will" I tell him as I close my eyes and get lost in the pleasure he's giving me.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now