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Mom told Tig and I went we go for the next check up that she'd already informed the nurse not to tell us the gender that she's throwing us a gender reveal party.

So we went and when it got to the gender part Alex and I looked away while the nurse took a picture after typing what it was then moved the probe taking more pictures.

After she handed the envelop over to us she wished us luck.

We thanked her then left headed to T-M where we handed the envelope over. mom smiled and slipped it in her purse then left me to work while she went shopping. 

I smiled and shook my head before kissing Tig as he walked off to work.

Now here we are at the club house having just closed shop early.

"Alrght so we can do this differently or we can do this originally" mom says

"I wanna know what she's having" Jax says

"me too" the others say

"Alright well Tig go over to your bike and revel your baby" mom says

I kissed Tig before he walked over and got on his bike turned it on and spun his back wheel busting the pack reveling pink.

"YEA A GIRL" I screamed and cheered with Ly and my mom.

After Tig climbed off his bike the guys congradulated him.

He walked over to me.

"lets hope this one doesn't hate me" he says

"she wont and who cares about the other two. I know they are you babies but they don't give a fuck about you. they never want to talk to you unless Dawn wants money so fuck them. you have me and our baby girl to focus on" I tell him

He nodded his head then kisses me as we head inside the club and have the party. we eat and just talk about different things.

"can you imagine it being twins" Opie says

"It is" mom says 

My Jaw dropped and Tig looked slightly scared and surprised

"what?" I asked

"she's carrying twins" mom says

"thanks mom for started a trdistion" I joke

"your welcome" she said proudly before she wraps her arms around me.

"twin girls. damn tig man you sure don't like boys do you" Opie jokes as she slaps Tig on the back.

"Apprently not" Tig replied making everyone laugh.

"Well congratulations" they all say as they raise their beers towards us.

"congratulations on your girls" Kozzy says

"thank you" I replied giving him a side hug.

"thank you for having Alex giving me the opruitnury to patch over to samcro" he says


"you didn't know?"

"I didn't know what?" I asked

he looks at me then Tig.

"zyou didn't tell her what you done for her?" Kozzy asked

"no it slipped my mind"Tig says

"what did you do?"I asked

"well I know how upset with me you was when I voted no for Koz to patch here. so I talked with clay and Lee and told them I changed my vote we brought it to the table and everyone was ok with me doing so.

I teared up and pulled Tig to me and kissed him.

"thank you so much" I say

he smiles and kisses me back before he rubs my stomach.


"thank you guys for allowing Tig to do that so I can have my second brother here" I tell the others

"welcome love" they replied

After I kiss Tig again we all start to eat while I scoop up and play with Abe. 

"So I met a girl who is a little bit crazy" Jax announces

"hey now there's nothing wrong ith being crazy and anyone who hangs or dates you has to be crazy. exsample a" I say pointing to myself.

he laughs as had the others.

"well she's not your kind of crazy she's just wild crazy" he says

"best to be. " I replied

"anyways her name is zuri which suits her cause she is beautiful" he says

"awe jaxy is in love" I gush as I pinch his checks.

He smiles then ruffles my hand.

"Hey now no touchy the hair" I say slapping his hand away.

"what di it take hours?"

"yea five hours of sleep then me throwing it up in a messy bun" I commented

He chuckled while shaking his head.

"your such a girl" he says

"no shit Dick Tracy. I have a vag, carrying a baby, and tits."

the others sit there getting entertained by us.

"no, I thought you'd be the first man to pop a kid out." 

grab him and wrap him up in a headlock and give him a noogy before I push him away

"Don't touch the hair" he mocked my either statement partially.

I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"love ya bro and I'm happy for ya" I say

"love you to and I'm happy for you and Tigs" he says

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now