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Tigs and my big day arrived and I couldn't be any happier. 

Mom came over to my place and we started getting ready.

she did my hair while I done my make up before slipping my dress on then I did her hair and she did her make up and slipped on her outfit. once we had everything ready to go I grabbed the ring box and walked out with Demon climbed into mom's suv and headed off to the Clubhouse.

I was hiding in the chapel waiting for the time to come.

a lock came followed by Jax's voice

"come in Jax" I say

He walks in and sees me standing there.

"wow sis you look very beautiful," he says

"Awe thank you" I replied walking up and hugging him.

"you look very dashing," I tell him

He smiled and blushed a little.

"thank you," he says

"where my little ring bear?" I asked

"he's with Opie and Ly" he replied

"Has she been practicing walking?" I asked

"YEa and grabbing any and everything he can in his little fingers."

I chuckled

"sounds like Tommy when he was a baby" I replied

"he reminds me of him" Jax says

" he's got his daddy charm, his uncles antics and aunts crazyness"

"Oh God help us all" mom says as she walked in seeing me and Jax

We both laugh as we embrace mom in a hug.

 "your father would be so proud of you. and he knows that Tig would take care of you since Tig told him how in love with you he was." mom says

"I was a teen when he first met me."

"Seventeen that's right. and dad saw the look in Tig's eyes when he introduced the two of you and knew that he was in love just waisted for Tig to speak up and admit it." Jax says

"I fell in love from day one of seeing him as well but I couldn't do anything or I'd risk dad killing him for statutory rape. and I didn't need that to happen so I kept quiet till I was eighteen then let it all be known." I say

"ya both verbally and physically," mom says

"I couldn't help it, Tig had always been my first real love and I had to kiss him when I became the legal age."

We talked some more before it was time for mom to go stand where she is to officiate the wedding.

"you ready for this?" Jax asked

"Yea I'm ready to be Luana Kira Teller Trager" I replied

"long ass name sis" he jokes.

"but the greatest," I tell him

He smiled as the two prospects at the door opened them as the music drum beat started.

"WHo gives this lovey woman away?" mom asked

"I do, her twin brother" Jax replied then kissed my cheek before handing me off to Tig who looked very yummy in his dark button up short sleeve top and black denim jeans along with his Kutte.

We stood there listening to mom start the ceremony before we spoke our vows of course tig did the Samcro version as well.

"now the rings.

I turned and watched Abel walk beside Demon as he headed up to us.

"Awe." us ladies gushed as we watched

Tig grabebd the rings and Jax scooped Abel up allowing me to kiss his cheeks while Demon sat where he was.

"repeat after me Tig" Mom says

"With this ring I thee wedd" she says

He slips the ring half way on my finger.

"with this ring I thee wed" he says and pushes it full on my hand as he finished.

"Now you Luana" mom says

"with this ring I thee wedd."

I take and slip the ring on Tig's finger like he had done.

"With this ring I thee wedd" I repeated as I slipped it the rest of the way on his finger before taking his hands and holding them.

"Now Alex do you take my daughter to be your lovely wedded wife?" mom asked

"I do most definitely," Tig says

"and do you Luana take this weird freaky man to be your lovely husband?" mom asked

I chuckled as did Tig and the others.

" I most definitely do," I tell her

"By the power vested in me and the state of California I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your baby mom" mom announces

Tig grabs my face and pulls me into a passionate heated kiss.

"she said kiss. not eat her face ye dirty fucker" Chibs comments making everyone laugh as we break apart and walked between them as they whistle and cheer.

We all head to the reception and have some fun. I dance with Abel when it comes to the aunt and nephew dance since I couldn't dance with my dad I opted for my baby nephew.

We have a grand time at the reception before we head off in Tig's car that he purchased just for this occasion and for when he has our baby with him.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now