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for the past three days mom and I have been dress shopping, wedding planning, buying things for weddings, she got certified to officiate my wedding which when she found out what I was up to she teared up and hugged me.

Once we had half the things we went to the clubhouse and talked with the guys.

"alright so we all know that since Dad cant be here that I'd find a way for him to be other then in spirt." I say

"right" Clay says

"I was thinking that since mom is officiating the whole thing that she'd stand before dad's bike on display and that is how he'd be a part of the wedding," I say

"I like it," Tig says

"I think it's perfect," Jax says

"Us as well" the others say

"So your gonna use your father's bike as the Alter?" Clay asked

"correct." I say

 "where is it to be placed?"

"right where it is," I tell him

"you're marrying here?" Opie asked

"why not this is our family club. and this place was part of my dad which it's another way for him to be there but with us having his bike as the main alter point it makes things even more special. and we have no worries about the booze for you guys or something good for me" I replied

"Where will lthe reception be?" Jax asked

"where we sit and watch tv in the other part of it" I replied

"seems like everything is set in stone huh?" Piney asked

"all that is left is Tig decided when he's ready to be a married man, then we'd work our time with you guys not having business, pornstars, and croweaters here," I say

"next week works for me."

"when she is newly five months?" Kozzy asked

"Yea," Tig says

"perfect." I say

"Works for us we have no business matters to handle in that week," Jax says

"what day?" Clay asked

I looked at Tig.

"Tuesday noon" he answered looking back at me.

I grinned as did mom.

"Well gentleman we better prepare this place for a wedding," Clay says as he stands up with the others who verbalize their agreement.

After we informed the guys of how I'd like to have mine and Tig's wedding they went to handle business while mom and I went to work. 

"See you later," I tell as I drove off with Demon.

When I got to work I talked with Lu telling her when I'd like for her to be at the clubhouse for Tig's and my wedding. she congratulated me and told me, she'd be there and that if I wanted to I could go back to work at my dad's garage.

I told her I'd finish today up and then see if mom would let me back tomorrow.

When she walked off to shot a movie I walked to my work area with Demon and got right to it.

Around lunch Time Tig showed up with some food.

"Hi baby" he greets walking around and wrapping his arms around me pulling me in for a kiss once he set the food down.

"Hi Tigzy" I replied after kissing him

"Ugh must you two be so disgusting?"

"Ugh... must you be a trollop?" 

"What?" Ima asked

"look it up dumb ass" I say

 "I'm very smart unlike you" she states.

"right you have a college degree in business of trollop from the trollop university," I say

"don't need a degree to get a man" she states

"I didn't need it to get one either, this man fell in love with me from day one. " I shot back

She stands there acting like she's all big and bad.

"don't you have numerous cocks to blow as assholes to suck?"

"Ew" she says

" leave Ima," Tig says

"only if you come with me," she says

"you don't back the fuck up I'll cut your itty bitty ant bites off" I tell her as I take hold of Tig's knife and hold it up to show her.

"they arent itty" she states

"right just below a cup."

she growls and storms off.

I put tig's knife back where it goes and kissed him before we sat down and shared lunch talking about baby things.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now