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We made it to the hospital and Tig helped me out of the car and up to where some nurses was at while mom went to park the car.

"Wifes in labor" Tig says

 "how far are the contractions?" a nurse asked while the other grabbed a wheelchair 

" six minutes apart" I replied as I said in the wheelcahir and they wheeled me off.

Mom caught up with us and followed us al lthe way to the room they put me in.

it took over nine hours for Ren & Ava arrived.

"congratulations mom and dad its twin girls. baby one weighs 7lbs & 8ounces & baby two weighs 7lbs9 ounches" the nurse says as the doctor as me deliver the after birth.

Onceeverything eas taken care off and the girls was placed on my chest I smiled and kissed their heads before looking at Alex who was crying then my mom who also was crying.

"I'll go share the news mom says wiping her eyes.

"Make sure Jax has Abel I want him to meet his cousins" U tell her

"If he's not here I'll go get him " she assured me

"thank you" I replied as she walked out.

the nurse came over and went through everything with me from breastfeeding to all the need to know things for moms and add to know now that our babies are here.

"after she left once Ren and Ava latched on and started feeding I lifted my head up and Alex leaned down to kiss me.

"Thank you so much" he says

"you are more than welcome" I tell him and kiss him again as he cups my face before moving down to kiss our daughters' heads.

"they are perfect" he says

"Yea they are our chunky little angels" I say

He smiled and kisses me one last time before sitting down and wiping his eyes.

When they finish eating I tell Alex and he takes Ren to burp her. he had already removed his kutte and top so he too could experience skin to skin with our babies.

When the two of them opened their eyes and looked at us I smiled seeing them have their dadies eyes.

"your eyes my thighs" I commented

"pretty eyes thick thighs" he replied

"Yea. or chucky either way" I say

He smiled as I handed Ava over to him so he could hold them while I fix the gown and relax a bit.

everyone picks that time to come and see the babies.

"awe look that them" Ly says as she gushes over the girls" 

"they are beautiful lass you did well" Chibs says as he looks at Ren and Ava.

"What are their names?" Jax asked

"Renelle & Avalynn" I replied

"awe so adorable" Ly says 

Mom walks in carrying Abe.

"there is my little dude" I say pushing my self up.

"Aunt Lua" he says

"Abe" I replied taking him and holding him carefully so I don't hurt my self.

"you have em?"

"look in uncle Tig's arms" I tell him as I pointed to Tig 

"awe.." he says

I smiled and kissed his head.

"wanna know their names?" 


"Renelle & Avalynn or just Ren and Ava" I tell him

"ren & Ava?" 

right good job" I say lightly clapping along with the others.

"me old em" 

"turn aroud and face your daddy" I tell hm he does being careful as he moves.

"alright Tig hand me one of our girls" I tell him he stands up carefully and mom Ava making me smile as Tig hands over Ren.

"who tis?" 

"This is Ren," I tell him as I hold her carefully and lay her right in his arms since he was leand against me.

I show him how to hold her head and her little body while I support him.

"alright, Abel you are doing a great job" Tig says

He smiles proudly of doing a great job as Ly snaps a picture of him.

Everyone gets a chance to hold both girls while mom and Ly take turns snapping pictures as we had with Jax and Abe.

"ok lets let these girls rest and we will come by later and see them if not wait till they come home" Mom says

"awe I tay" Abe says

"cant bud" Jax says as he picks him up allowing Abe to kiss me and the girls then Tig's cheek before waving bye to us as they leave with the others.

"a nurse comes in with the cots and we place the girls in them before I lay back and rest while tig watches over us three as we sleep.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now