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When I stopped talking to people I worked with and just shut down they started worrying about me. Mom knew it was gonna happen so she wasn't as worried but she was worried cause I'm her daughter.

during my whole silence and shutting down my depression got worse than it had even been so my doctor recommended I get a dog. 

Which is what I had done two weeks ago.

I headed to the Lordi shelter and adopted a German Shepard that was all black. upon the two of us seeing each other and I walking into his cage we bonded instantly. 

I bought all the things I needed for him and then I settled on calling him Demon.

Turned my notice in for work to mom before I went to work with Lu being her assistant. she welcome Demon knowing what was happening since mom always tells her different things like a gossiping old hen.

I've been working for Lu for a full month now and I've had no problems with anyone. Of course whenever someone tries to approach me that I don't want to Demon simply growls and gives a warning bark making them walk away.

"You got one hell of a guard dog and companion" Lu says

I simply smile before reaching down and scratching Demon's head.

"you going to your mom's family dinner tonight?" 

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm sure your mom and everyone will like to see you since you quit working at T-M."

I say nothing of course just sighed.

"if you need me you know where I'll be" she says

I nodded my head.

She walks off and in walks my mom.

"Hello darling" she greets

I wave as I keep scratching Demon's head.

"he doing a good job protecting you?"

I nodded my head

"well I came by to ask if you will come with me to help set up the family dinner," she says

I gesture to my work area.

"I'll go tell Lu I'm taking you and Demon with me," she says then walked off

I sighed and slip off my seat crouching down and lay my head on Demon's as I hug him.

"Alright darling let's go," she says

I stand up and pat my leg signaling for Demon to follow.

Opening my passenger side door he jumps in and takes a seat before I close the door and walk around climbing into the driver seat and follow mom out of Cara Cara parking lot.

The whole time I'm helping prep for the dinner Demon is right at the door way watching me in case I need him.

"after I finish helping I walk out the back with him and sit in the garden while he does his business and I sit there.

"so you came."

Not saying a word just reaching my hand out towards Demon as he walks over to me and sits before me. I rub his head and scratch behind his ears.

I hear a sigh but don't care who it's from or why they did it.

Demon is looking at whoever they are and gives them a slight growl in warning.

"I won't harm her I'm her brother."

I inwardly roll my eyes that Jax is out here with me.

He takes a seat and looks at me.

"Abel is here. he's in the nursery. you should go say hi." he suggested

I stand up tap my leg and walk off back inside all the way up to the nursery mom had for when Abel comes over.

I make a quick stop in the bathroom to wash my hands before I fully go into the nursery and pick up my Nephew and hold him close while Demon sits nearby and guards us.

I lost track of time whispering to Abel that I didn't notice dinner was being served till mom walked into the room.

"Alright Luana tome to come and eat," she says

I nod my head, stand up, kiss Abel's cheek, and lay his sleeping form in the crib before I follow mom out with Demon by my side.

We walk into the dining room where everyone goes quiet upon seeing me. I say nothing as I sit at a far empty seat with Demon next to me curled up out of the way. I grab a plate and start putting different things on it before I stop stand up and go to grab some food in the kitchen mom had for Demon.

Once I filled the two bowls with food and water I place them against the wall so Demon can eat then I rewash my hands and sit back down as everyone watches my every move. I pay them no mind just start eating as they go back to what they was saying or talking about.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now