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I went back to talking which everyone was happy about but I didn't go back to my old self which some of them didn't like.

It's been roughly two months since Koz left since Alex refused to vote him to be patched in.

In that time I've focused on just myself, my baby, and Demon. nothing else mattered. Yea I'd talk to mom when she'd come visit or I'd visit her. I'd go talk with dad and Thomas for a while before I head off and tending to myself and Demon.

"Alright Lunana you can head on over to your moms for the annual dinner," Lu says

"Alright Lu I'll see you when you get there," I tell her

"see you then," she says as she walked off.

I finished what I was doing before I stand up and stretch before attaching Demon's lead and fixing my maternity shirt.

When I walked into my mom's house I can hear them messing around in the kitchen.

I walked in let Demon of his lead and go to greet momma before washing my hands and covering help. 

Tara comes in looking upset over some shit which with her its nothing new.

when I hear her being disrespectful to my mom thats when I step in.

"shut the fuck up. ok I have had it with you. you come in here and cry and complain then have the nerve to disrespect my mother like that in front of me thinking I wont say anything. bitch you must be smoking if you think for one damn second I'll let that pass. now if you don't like how my mom takes up for the ol ladies or those who are cock warmers such as your self well thats to fucking bad. you knew what was to happen the minute you allowed Jackson to fuck you after he killed your stalker so shut the fuck up and leave if you cant talk or treat my mother any better. cause pregnant or not I'll wipe the floor with your ass and trust me I have so much fucking agress I will realse on your ass" I tell her getting into her face

"this is my life that I worked hard for not the clubs" she states

"you fucking are trying to get in the club fucking Jackson you dumb broad. with that shit comes everyone in your damn business. it also has my mother and some of the other ol ladies watching one another back. so get over it and stop fucking crying all the damn time" I tell her

 She looks at me and says nothing. that's when Ly makes her presents know with Kenny and Ellie.

Tara makes a comment about Ly which upsets Ly and she walks off out the door while Tara walks off to probably cry as she waits for Jackson.

"thank you baby, now you go and calm down with Demon" mom says

I nodded and walked over to where my Demon is and I sit on the floor and wrap my arms around him and calm myself down.

Jackson and Bobby walks in bobby c omes over and helps me up and gives me a hug while Jackson goes to Tara and she cries to him about what happened. he looks at me and sighs.

"go ahead Jackson its not like your ass ain't buried with me anyways." I say

"Why do you hate her?" he asked

"did your really asked that fuckign question?"

"Yea cause I wanna know?"

"you are my twin we've been through so much shit together. I was there when that piece of trash broke your heart making you feel as if you can't love again or find someone who will treat you better and not run off due to her shitty excuse of our father's club. she had tried to make you choose between family and her thinking that you'll be her lap dog and follow her when she ranaway. she stayed gone for a long time and I was there with you through it all. I was there to lift you up. I was the shoulder you cried on, the person you came to for advice. I was the one who told you you could do so much better and I told you if you give it time and a chance then your perfect match would come. but you didn't listen you married Wendy the crack croweater, then divorced her. only to knock her up with a beautiful baby boy who is a godsend for you. then when she comes running back with some trouble she goes right for you and you being you fell for her shit thinking she's coming back for a good reason and not some form of protection. you help her out forgetting all the shit she did, all the hard work I did to get you back on your feet after that trash left you. it's like everything we went through at the time was meaningless and pointless. cause you fucked her, you killed her stalker, and now you're with her. as if she didn't do what she had." I tell him

"shes changed," he says

I looked at him like he was on crack.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now