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Alex and I had obviously done more than clear the issue and fix things between us. 

He put my engagement ring back on my finger where he says its to stay will its replaced with my wedding band.

After we had made love a few more times we headed to the shower and got cleaned up before we took Demon out to the park and sat curled up in one another.

"shall we head over to the club house and garage to tell your mom the news?" he asked

"we can do that tomorrow." I tell him as I laid my head back on his shoulder and kiss his neck.

"You gonna have me take you right here for all to see" he warned

"daddy is getting hard for me?" I asked palming his junk since his leg was up no one could see from how we was seated.

He grunted and moaned

"Yea I am" he says

I smiled and tapped his leg then sat up.

"lets go and I'll help you out" I tell him

He gets up and helps me then whistles for Demon who comes running.

we all load into my car and head back home where I do more then take care of Tig.

Afterwords when I let Demon out back for the last time I make sure everywhere is locked up before I let Demon back in and lock the back door.

"Alright Demon, you gotta get used to daddy being here since he will be living with us," I explain to Demon as we walked into the master room

"he'll get used to me and our baby," Tig says as he lays there in nothing but his boxers causing me to whine a bit then lick my lips as I take his body in.

I crawled into bed removing my nightdress and curl up to Tig before I start kissing him as he pleases me with his fingers.

After I had reached my climax I give Alex one last kiss before I lay my head on his chest and go to sleep.

when we wake up the next day I go and freshen up and do my morning loo run before I get ready and head out with Demon and Tig.

He follows Demon and me to the T-M lot.

I park on one side & him with the others before we met in the middle intertwined our hands and walked up to the garage office.

"momma" I call out

she looks up from the paper work and sees me and Tig holding hands.

 She smiles as she walks over and leans against the desk.

"clear shit up?" she asked

"done more than that momma " I replied


I lift our hands and turn it showing my engagement ring.

"so your wedding is back on?"

"Yea, and I just want important people, no other charters, no crow eaters, no pornstars. No Tara" I says

"good luck with the last one" she says

"yea I know. but its mine and Tig's wedding he should respect that" I replied

"she'll do the same if they wind up marrying."

"it be up to my brother if I am to be there or not."

"so who will officiate it and where will it happen?"

"We will go over that when we do planning." 

She nods before standing up and hugging us both.

"congratulations now go tell the others" she says

 "wanted to tell you first Gem" Tig says

"thank you" she says then goes back to work.

We walked out and I peaked in the garage and spot my brother so I walk over and sit on his legs.

"ALright Kira get up" he says

 I giggle before standing up and move while he rolls out from under the car.

"What's up?" he asked

"well come to the club house and find out" I tell him then walk off with Tig

I hear my brother mess with a rag before tossing it and following us.

We walked into the clubhouse and Tig whistles gaining everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone listen up." he says

they look at us as Jax walks inside.

"Our wedding is back on and its not to be a big one that said we don't want visiting chater sons, we just want those who we care about. so it will be mom, Jax, clay,Abe, chibs, juice, piney, Opie, Ly,  bobby,Kozzy,Happy,and Lu." I say

They all cheer and come to congradulate us. I look at my brother as he looks at me.

"so no Tara?"

I shake my head

"I can deal with that. since she had left yet again. so glad she didn't get rights to Abel."

I bite the shit out of my fist wanting to go off but I was refraining from doing so.

"You alright love?" Tig asked

"I want to beat a doctors ass" I replied after dropping my hand.

"after you have our baby and she comes back then give her hell" he says

I nodded my head before Opening my arms for my brother.

He removes his dirty shirt and hugs me.

"I am so sorry for the fights and things we got into over her. you was being protective of me like I was when you and tig first started seeing each other. please forgive me I want my best friend and sister back" he says

"I  never left Jax. and you have me cause I need you to give me away." I tell him

"I will be there to do that" he says

I kiss his cheek and hug him the best I can being almost five months.

"Hows my niece or nephew?" he asked as she stepped back and rubbs my stomach.

"rowdy like their dad" I comment looking at Tig who was grinning proudly

I looked back at my brother and wrapped my arm around him as he done the same to me.

"Gemma will love this"Clay says

"I'm gonna go tell her" Opie says and races out the door with Juice on his tell yelling no fair.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now