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I simply nod my head as she takes the envelope and opens it.

the sound of her gasp has me looking at her.

"is this?"

I closed my eyes nodding my head before I reopen them. lean over and tap the corner where it tells how far I am.

"Oh baby," she says throwing her arms around me and cries.

I comfort her before she pulls back and looks at the picture.

"I'll keep this hidden so no one sees them" she promised

I smile and nod as she slips the scan back inside and gets out going to her car and hides the envelope while Demon takes her spot on the passenger side.

"Hey guess who's in town?"

I make a smiley face gesture with my hands on my mouth which makes mom laugh as she nods.

"Him and Koz," she says

I grab a piece of paper and write down what I wasn't to tell her before I hand it over.

"have them come to see me if they want" she reads.

"Alright, I'll do that when they come back from a job Clay had them do."

I give thumbs up and kiss her cheek since she leans into my car window.

"Love you and I can't wait to hear your voice again."

I blow her a kiss as I back out of my spot stopping short and blocking Demon from getting hurt when Tig and Jax block me in.

"get the fuck out of her way you two idiots." mom says

"We just wanna talk to her," Jax says

"well, she won't talk to anyone thanks to your two assholes. not move your bikes or she'll run them over" mom tells them

they sighed and move out of my way and I back fully out, wave to mom, and leave.

Ten minutes later I hear someone knocking on my door so I go and peak to see who it is and get excited to see it Koz.

I open the door and step back gesturing him inside before I shut the door and lock it then turn and look at Koz.

"hi" he says

"Hi" I replied

"Happy had to stay back and handle other matters so I came" he explained 

"that's fine" I tell him as I walk back to where I was with Demon.

"who is this?" he asked

"This is my fur baby Demon," I tell him as I sit down

"you always said you'd name your dog demon if you ever got one" he laughs as he sits and allows Demon to smell him before he begins to pet him.

"now I have him" I replied

"I see that."

We sit there not talking just paying full attention to Demon giving him much love which he just soaks up.

"Wanan talk about it?"

"just dealing with an asshole brother and Alex." I tell him

"they made you go silecnt with everyone but me?"


"bet gemma didn't like it?"

"she knew it was gonna happen after everything that occurred leading up to that and me quitting the garage."

"where do you work now?" 

"Cara Cara as Lu's assistant."

"you do know that Jax had gotten it to where the club and Lu are partners right?"

"no I didn't they never tell me anything about that club."

"Well don't worry I'm soon to be patched in also you'll be seeing me around a lot."

"good ,cause I missed hanging out with you as well as Happy." I tell him

"Yea  I miss it to."

"How are you and Jenny?" I asked

"Oh.. well um.. she pasted," he says

"Oh I'm so sorry," I tell him

"its fine I didn't tell anyone but the guys in Tacoma" 

"I understand."

We spent a great majority of our time just catching up with each other before he left.

"How bout you and I head to the park huh?" I asked Demon he looks at me and his tail wags.

I stand up and make my way to the door about to grab his lead when someone else knocks. so I look to see who it is after grabbing Demon's lead and open the door.

"Hi Lunana" Alex greets

I say nothing just stand there.

"look I wanted to apologize for what I said about you." he states

I just fold my arms and look at him.

"you're not fucked up or anything I climbed you to be. hell if you are a disaster it's due to the shit your put through." 

I tap my leg which he catches and watches as Demon appears. I lean down and attach his lead before grabbing my keys and walk out my door causing Alex to move back out of my way.

"well I'll see you around," he says as he walks off getting back on his bike, and leaves.

I sighed as Demon and I get in my car and head off towards the park.

His Beautiful Disaster (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now